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Two days later

Cry awoke with a jolt. He grabbed his throbbing head as he sat up. He couldn't remember anything that had happened after he had jumped over that last gate.

He laid back down on the soft hospital bed slowly, to get rid of the throbbing in his head.

Looking around, Cry recognized where he was.

It was the laboratory. The Professor's to be exact.

Cry knew this place well. When first removing Mad from him he had stayed here for a whole year.

It was a large industry structure, almost like a large community under a wide spread building. Not far from YouTube Corporation either.

Cry looked over in the direction a shuffle came from.

Pewds had just sat up on his own bed across the room, a couple bandages on his arm and face but nothing serious.

"Hey Pewds, sup?" Cry said catching the swedes attention. His eyes widened then Pewdie ran over to Cry's bed.

"Hey man! Your finally up!" He said hugging him. "You've been out for two days!"

"T-two days??" Cry said shocked.

"You got zapped by the electric gates and went into a short comatose state..." The swede said letting him go. A frown played on his lips as he looked at the ground, "I was worried you weren't gonna wake.."

Cry smiled slightly and put a hand on Pewdiepie's shoulder, "Nah Pewds, don't think about stuff like that, why wouldn't I wake? Just a little electricity? Pfft" he teased pushing on his friends shoulder.

"Heh, guess your right..." Pewds gave a small smile. "Anyways...Minx is throwing a vacation party at her party house this week...if you were feeling up to it ya wanna go?"

"Oh...sure! Minx has awesome fancy drinks there! " Cry said smiling.

"Haha alright then."

They both looked over to the doors to see the Professor slowly walk in. A slight limp in his step. His head bandaged slightly.

"Felix.." He nodded smiling.

"Professor, sir." Pewds nodded back as he stood.

The Professor sat in his chair next to Cry's bed as cry sat upright.

"How do you feel Ryan?"

Cry quickly shushed him. "N-not my real name!" He whispered harshly.

"Ryan's your real name?" Felix questioned.

The Professor ignored him, " I'm sorry Cry, but...Mad has escaped. He was let out by some other clone of yours I didn't even knew existed named Virus..."

Cry's eyes widened as he spoke, "V-virus? What?"

"But there is slight good news...I may be able to track where Mad had went to for hiding and have a weapon that can be used to defeat Virus." The professor explained. "If you feel up to it we can check it out..?"

Cry shook his head. "Maybe later Professor."

"Alright. That's your option."

"So...when can we find him?" Pewds asked rubbing his arm.

"Soon. But not an exact date. For now at least.." The professor trailed off looking down at the floor. He then looked up when the doors opened to show a young woman in a long lab coat walk in. Her hair lightly dyed orangish brown and hanging very long. "Ah, Jupiter, it's good to see you."

"Hello Father, hey Mr. Kjellberg, hey Cry." She waved slightly, holding a clipboard in her other hand. She was the professor's oldest daughter, only 26 and very beautiful. "I came to checkup on the patients."

"You studying in medical Jup'?" Cry chuckled placing a hand on his head.

"No, but I am just here to make sure you don't have anymore electricity still residing in your body. Last time you managed to separate a pixel from yourself and were not having that again."

Cry gave the Professor a confused look as Jupiter began scanning over him. The Professor just shrugged and chuckled, mouthing the words 'I'll explain later.'.

Cry smiled slightly. He was glad to be back at the old lab actually. It was like his second home. He knew everything well and all the people better.

Once Jupiter was done and left Cry sat up in his bed and swung his legs over the side.

"I wanna go check it out Professor.." He said as the Professor nodded.

"Right this way then." The older man said walking out.

"You coming Pewds?" Cry asked his Swedish friend.

"Nah, I'm gonna rest a bit longer. You go on Ryan." Pewds chuckled at the last word when Cry's ears turned red from embarrassment.

"S-shuddup!" He growled before hurrying out after the Professor.

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