He's a maniac

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Virus grumbled and tossed Mad into the cheesy hotel room. He was a giggling and laughing fit, not even flinching when Virus slammed the door roughly.

"D-did you see the blood?? HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The crazed man laughed.

"Yes. It was only seven days ago. I was there, I helped you get in disguise." Virus crossed his arms and sat on the bed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Mad continued to lay on the floor and laugh.

Virus sighed, stepped over Mad and walked over to the window. It had a view of the street, and that was it.

A club stood across the hotel and a few tramps were at the entrances wearing skimps and having random studs feel them up.

Virus noted some weird people walk in.

One had pink hair. But the other five looked very, VERY Familiar.

Purple bangs, bear hat, middle aged man, a teenaged boy, and a blond man with a brofist t-shirt.

It can't be.

They're here???

Virus turned sharply and kicked Mad with his foot. "Get up! Crys friends are across the street!"

Mad grunted at the impact. But stood up anyways, still giggling. "Well...let's give them a warm welcome shall we?"

"You do what you want but I'm still sticking to my plan we discussed." The program spatted. "You maniac..." He mumbled turning to the window again.

He heard Mad exit. And let his cold heart swell slightly. Then with a sigh he followed the crazed man.


"C'mon pewds! Have a drink!" Cry said holding a beer to his friend.

Felix sat with his head in his arms. Slowly shaking no. "I'm never drinking again, dude, not after last time."

"Psh, after an aspirin or two you'll be fine!" Cry pressured more, leaning closer.

Minx gripped his shoulder. "Cry c'mon, he doesn't want one."

Cry eyed her confused but backed off. He tilted his head in confusion as Minx whispered something to Pewds and next thing he knew they were walking towards the washroom.

"What's with them?" Cry said turning to Ken and the professor. They both shrugged.
"C'mon Felix easy now...we've had a week of planning and tracking, you can't get Ill now." Minx said outside the boys bathroom.

"Well EXCUUUUUSSSEEE me!" Felix said with sarcasm all over his voice, making Minx giggle.

Inside the restroom, Felix stood at the sink looking at himself in the mirror. He fixed his hair and sighed.

"Just the thought of Drinking now makes my stomach turn..." He rubbed his stomach.

He heard the restroom door open and looked through the mirror to see a guy with blond shaggy hair, wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up.

Felix watched the guy move over to a urinal then looked away. Humming a slight tune, Felix begun washing his hands to distract himself from acknowledging the presence in the room.

"So...you're the world famous Pewdiepie?"

Felix widened his eyes at the sudden question. He cleared his throat and relaxed.

"Yeah, but I'm not that famous...are you a bro?" Felix said not looking up.

"Nah...I've met you before though..."

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