Your loss

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Nixon stood out on one of the lab balcony, looking up at the night sky over the open topped garden. A cigar in his hand slowly puffing the smoke from his lips.

"I heard about your daughter." He turned to see Miranda walking over. Her night robe covering her from the chill of September winds.

"Yeah..." He said looking back at the sky.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about it..." Miranda eyed the cigar. "Smoke?"

"Only when I'm stressed this bad...last time I smoked was when my boy was born.."

"How long was that?"

"'Bout 21 years ago." Nixon smirked looking at Miranda. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I noticed you don't have a ring."

"Oh? Yeah I'm not married."

"Really now? A beautiful lady as you?" Miranda blushed and turned her back to him.

"I'll have you know, I divorced my last husband."

"any others before?"

"Only a lover. We never married." She glared over her shoulder at him. "And he is Ryan's father."

"I'm not stupid Ms. Terry. Can I call you Miranda?"

"No. You haven't earned that trust yet, maybe from my son, but not me." Nixon laughed, holding his hand up in defense. "But you can tell me where his father is..."

"How so?"

"You know like hell he works here."

Miranda faced Nixon now, showing the large height difference between the 5. foot 4'' woman and the 6' 11'' man.

"I know he works here...but does he want to see you?"

"I dunno, you tell me."

"I would if I could ms. Terry. But I can't reveal my workers classified information."

Miranda rolled her eyes and looked at the sky. Nixon kept his eyes on her And smiled.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He said. She only nodded absentminded. "Then you know I meant you, right?"

She looked straight ahead now, cheeks blushing slightly. But still kept a smirk. "Dr. Miedel are you coming on to me?"

"Maybe..." He said quietly. She laughed. Nixon moved his hand to brush her short blonde hair out of her face, and behind her ear. He placed his hand on her neck slowly. She gave a small smile and begun standing up on her toes, as he slowly was leaning down. But just as they were getting close enough.

"Pardon my interruption sir." A worker said walking onto the balcony while holding a clip board. The two moved away just in time before the worker could see anything, blushing mad and trying to act casual.

"N-no no! It's fine! What's the problem?" He said clearing his throat.

"Mrs. Jupiter wishes to speak with you." Nixon nodded.

"I'll uhm...I apologize for my rude exiting Ms. Terry." He said not looking at her.

"No need to apologize, it's quite alright." She whispered. Peering over her shoulder to watch him walk out. "It's your loss anyways..." She grinned.

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