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Felix sat strapped to a lounge chair. His head hung low. Face covered in several bruises and cuts.

Mad stood across the room, holding the cube with Virus inside, on his hand.

"Pathetic of you..." He grumbled at the small glitch inside.

"I thought you died...I was worried..." Virus said. Mad rolled his eyes and dropped the cube onto the dresser.

"Well what should we do with this." Mad said gesturing to Felix.

"Well we could kill him...."

Horror spread through Felix's very being. "P-please! Don't!"

"And why not?"

"B-because...I-I know cry wouldn't do that to me..."

Mad let out a roar of laughter. Virus rolled his eyes.

"Cry? You really think that matters?? He had no control over himself! And why would he care about you?"

Felix felt a spark of pain go through him. Mad was right, why would Cry care that much of Felix to save him. After the incident at Minx's, he had all right to hate him. But he hadn't found out any of that.

"Awww isn't that cute. You love him don't Cha?" Mad cooed. Felix blushed and turned his head away.

"And by Anti Virus' calculations. You have a little secret you're hiding from Cry aren't you?"

"How did you--"

"It was on the Professors computer. Anti Virus did a full body scan and found it inside you."

Felix glared at Mad. Mad grinned. Walked over to the door and opened it. Looking around he saw no one active. Minx and Ken still laid out on the floor. The professor still at his desk. Nathan was at school, Allie and Miranda asleep.

He closed the door and smirked as he walked over to Felix. "How badly do you want him to love you back?"

Felix didn't answer. He stared down and ignored the man in front of him. Until that is, Mad climbed onto his lap gracefully.

"You want him to be with you? To feel him with you?" Mad leaned closer to the tense swede. "To feel him kiss you back? To hear him say, I love you."

Felix turned away as he felt himself wanna break down as memories of that night flooded back. Mad chuckled and put a hand on Felix's shoulder, slid it down his chest and held it at his stomach for a moment before pulling away and getting off.

The whole time, Virus sat in the cube watching. His face red with jealousy and envy. He stood up with his hands on his hips once Mad moved back over to him.

"Who do you think you are to flirt with him!? We're tryin to kill him aren't we!?" He let his voice rise slightly in pitch.

"What better way to die then a broken heart? Besides. It's killing two birds with one stone in this case. Now come out."

Mad put a small chip on the cube and it dissolved away. Virus grew to his regular size as he sat on the dresser with his leg crossing over the other.

"Now..." Mad said pulling Virus off the counter and setting him down. Holding Virus' hand in his. "How about we go see what chaos we can cause then finish this one off later?"

Virus felt his face go pink as his sky blue eyes looked down. Unable to meet the crimson ones looking at him. He slowly nodded and followed Mad out.

Felix sat in the chair alone. He wanted to explode. To break down into tears. To vanish.

But he knew he had to stay strong. For Cry. For minx, and Ken. For all of them.

He wanted to yell for help. But he was afraid of someone wrong hearing.

He felt small tears prickle his eyes and fall to his lap as he stared down at his stomach.

"Guess it's just you and me..."

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