Notice me.

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Virus stood outside the local market waiting for Mad to come out. He kept contemplating about how Mad treated Felix and grew envious.

He broke from his thoughts as Mad rushed his way out. Not even waiting on Virus to catch up. Virus hurried after Mad then slowed his pace to walk beside him.

"What all did you get."

"Got some USB stuff for you and I got raw steak for me." Virus knew he pocketed it all and didn't pay for it. Taking the connectors from his hand, virus let his fingers brush against Mads, hoping for a reaction. But there was known.

"Uhm...thanks...hey, maybe we could...take a break somewhere?"

Mad spat a look of disgust at him, "what? You do realize we have a hostage and unconscious bodies at a house still right? And any of them could escape!"

Virus looked away saddened. Mad let out a sigh and looked forward. "Whatever. Maybe after we make sure they all won't escape we can...I dunno watch a movie or eat."

"Liiiike...a date?"

"Hell no."

Virus let out a fake laugh that sounded real enough to pass. "I know! I was kidding!" He lied skillfully.

Mad cracked a small grin and shook his head. Virus let his shoulders drop as he walked. His heart aching slightly. He wanted this aching to stop.



"Lemme see your knife..."


"Just do it."

Mad gave him a confused look but gave him the knife. Virus let his heart turn cold as he scanned the people walking around.

Spotting a homeless man sitting in an upcoming ally. Virus took his chance. He let insanity take over him and sprinted into the ally, grabbed the man and tugged him farther in.

Mad heard cries of pain that were distant as he was astonished.

After the cries had stopped. Virus walked out slowly, handed the now bloody knife to Mad and sighed. He couldn't believe he had done it himself. But it felt so good. He killed him. And it felt amazing. The pain in his heart disappeared

"Virus..." Mad said in barely a whisper. Then stuffed the knife in his hoodie before people could see and pushed Virus to keep walking.

"That...was something..." Virus whispered. Mad gave him a weird look then grinned slightly.

"You feel better?" Mad said with his arm on Virus's shoulder.

Virus shot a glimpse at him. His skin slightly turning blue at the corners of his face. He grinned. "Yes...I needed it to help my nerves..."

Mad could tell that Virus was succumbing to his programming. Over the time they had been together he had grown more human then virus. But now perhaps that would change.

They Continued to walk in silence till they reached back at the house.

Before ken and Minx could wake, Mad made sure they were tied in the living room. Virus tied up the professor and dragged him into the living room. The both of them locked Miranda and Allie in the same room in the basement, Virus taking Cry's niece around with him.

He bounced her in his arms, blue eyes on blue eyes. "Babies are weird..." Virus mumbled. Then sat her down on the floor amongst pillows so she didn't go anywhere.

"Want to kill her?" Mad said flipping his knife out.

"No." Virus said coldly. Mad held his hands up and walked away. He walked to the wall mirror and looked in it.

The reflection changed to look more like Cry. Now that Mad had gotten rid of the pink in Crys hair, it went back to black. The image in the mirror had blue eyes instead of red under the mask. Anger spread over it compared to Mads smiling own.

" are you?"

"Get out of my head!!" The image yelled back at him. The voice went through to mads head and not the outer world.

"Why would I do that?"

"Quit torturing everyone I know and everyone I love!!!"

"Everyone you love...heh...list them."

"Everyone. My mother. My siblings. My niece. The professor. My friends. And-"


The reflection looked away. Mad grinned. "You love the professor?"

"You and I both know he is like a father. He helped me."

"Oh shut the fuck up. He doesn't care for you. He is just getting rid of me and then left you for years."

"Four years."


"I love all of them."

"Including Felix?"

There was a pause.

"Yes. Including Felix. I love Felix."

Mad shook his head. "Tsk tsk, but oh Cry. He doesn't love you. In fact. He's hid a precious secret from you."

Cry gave a puzzled look at the other side of him through the mirror.

"And I'm gonna tell you it."

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