End of flashback, Now to Minx's party, to cause a drunken mistake

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Ken and Felix walked down the halls of the lab, heading to the old dorm of Ken.

"Hey look, this ones Crys I think!" Ken said walking up.

"You think he's in there?" Felix said crossing his arms.
Ken shrugged and put his ear against the door.
"Lemme check."

"So..." He heard Scott speaking, "do you like Pewds or not?"

There was a silence.

"Yes." Came Crys voice after.
Ken blinked a couple times then casually stepped away and began waking.

"Ken?" Felix said following, "dude? Well? Was he in there?"

"Nope totally not in there." Ken said smiling. Felix shrugged it off. "But I have a question, just one I've wondered for awhile.."


"What's your sexuality?"
Felix stopped and turns blood red in the face.


"Just a casual question..."

"F-for your information I'm Bisexual! B-but why would you still ask me?!"

"Well it leads to my next question..."

Felix twiddled his thumbs nervously waiting as he stared into Kens brown eyes.

"Do you like Cry?"


It seemed like ages, decades, centuries, of silence between the two.

"Well?" Ken finally said breaking the silence.
Felix took a sharp intake of air then...

Six days later
"Welcome to casa de Minx!"
Minx and Krism stood in the party room of her spare house, for just parties, on a stage where Tasty was behind the DJ gear.

All youtubers were there as Cry, Pewds, And Ken stood in the front, everyone cheered when Minx begun talking.

"Drinks will be served at the bar, spare rooms for the people who are too drunk are upstairs, and have fun!!"

A round of applause sounded as Tasty begun playing music.

"What do you think so far Cry?" Ken said following the two towards the bar. Cry took a seat next to Felix and Ken on his other side.

"I like the music choice Tasty picked, I bet the drinks are wonders." Cry laughed.

"Hey! Red! Give us one beer, a martini, and a lemon drop!" Felix called to Red at the end of the bar. She nodded and begun making the fancy drinks once sliding the can of beer down to Ken.

"I think it's nice." Felix smiled. "So how ya feeling there Cry?"

"Better, my head isn't as bad, what about you two?"

"I wasn't as injured, barely a few bruises is all." Ken said before taking a drink.

"My heads better too, still sore in some places, but I'll be okay." Felix said smiling. Cry smiled back at Felix and nodded in understanding.

Ken grinned, "sooo how about I go find Mary and leave you two to do your friendship thing?"

"Alright, see you around friend." Cry said waving.

Felix twiddled his thumbs as Red brought the drinks over.
"So...who was that guy back in Colorado...who beat me up..." Felix said peering at Cry slightly.

Cry sat his drink down from taking a sip. "....his name is Mad...he's my...clone...I guess..."

Felix nodded in understanding. "Hey...sorry I brought it up. Just forget I asked! C'mon! Let's have a good time!" He laughed.

Cry grinned and nodded.
"Sounds good to me friend...to Broday everyday!"

"Broday everyday!"

The two clinked their glasses and swigged them down.

Sometime later
"My shadooooows! The only thing that walks beside meeee!"

Cry and Felix laughed in there now drunken state. Cry had several different drinks. Felix had only three but was still a little hazy.

"Hehe! I think you had waaaay too many drinks bud!" Felix slurred slightly.

Cry grinned and shook his head. "Naaaaaah!! I has plenty!!"

"Hehehe..c'mon friend we might need you to stay in Minxs spare rooms upstairs..." Felix grunted, standing up as Cry leaned on him.

The two made there way to the stairs and begun working themselves up.
Cry was a giggling and slurring mess. Felix couldn't help but giggle with him.

"C'mon a couple more steps-AH!"

The two fell forward. Felix below Cry to help make sure he didn't hurt himself.
Felix blushed mad and stuttered to do something.
Cry stared blankly with his mask off slightly. Showing Felix a small part of his blue/green eye.

"U-uhm..." Felix managed to get out. "Sorry...s-sorry Cry, here lemme get up..."

When Felix moved slightly, but when he did he brushed against Cry.

Cry gasped and a blush covered his whole face.

"I-I...I-I'm sorry r-Ryan..."
Cry looked into Felix's eyes. The smell of alcohol reminded Felix he was very drunk.

Even with knowing that, the next action of Cry's surprised him.

His lips connected with Felix's own.

Felix panicked, but after a second he let his own hazy mind take over and melted into the connection.

The haziness from his mind didn't let him catch on to the sudden feeling of being carried up from the stairs and to the bedroom. The clothes being removed and the tender love emitting from such a drunken mistake...

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