Closed Off: the one where harry doesn't share his feelings

Start from the beginning

"But why not?"

A rumble sounded in his chest and his nostrils flared. His eyes were watering with anger and frustration but he didn't know why. "Harry, if you tell me, it-,"

"Because I can't okay!" He shouted at her with a raised voice that causes Y/N to pull her hands to herself. "You wouldn't understand,"

"If you tell me, I can try to,"

He shook his head stubbornly, "You can't. Trust me,"

"Harry, please," he stared at her emotionlessly. "I'm worried about you."

Harry stood up from the bed abruptly, bare feet planting themselves on the cold hardwood flooring. She watched as he started pacing by the side of the bed, pulling his hair in frustration. He shouted.

"I don't want you to," She looked at him, worry embedding itself deep in her eyes. "Stop worrying about me!"

"Harry, calm down please," Y/N skittered to stand in front of him. "We can talk, let's talk,"

His breathing got heavier to the point where a wheezing sound made its way out of his nose. "H? Do you need your inhaler?"

Before he could answer, Y/N was already pulling his bedside table drawer open, scrambling amongst various junk to find the medicine. She held the inhaler in front of his mouth, silently urging him to take a few puffs. His palms were grasping the area of his heart, hoping to ease the pain faster.

"You good?" She asked, guiding him by the shoulders to sit him on the bed. He nodded.

Silence overtook them again, Harry's breathing had calmed down but his breaths were the only noise that could be heard.

"What's wrong," Y/N spoke up again, but this time she would not take any excuse for an answer.

Harry turned his head to look at her almost mechanically as if he was being controlled without a choice. He blinked his lids at her, eyes deadpanned with a blank expression.

"I can't,"

Y/N gave him a pointed look and that was when the dam broke. It was sudden and unexpected that it took her breath by surprise. Tears welled up from the core of his jade eyes, his expression crumbling like a piece of paper. A profound noise escaped from the confines of his throat that pierced Y/N's ears.

Harry's body shook as the first sob eluded deep within his chest. His shoulders hunching in a giant lump beside her. The salty liquid made its way down his skin, through the blush pink of his cheeks, making it damp and moist. Though his body was leaning towards her, an internal barricade was making him keep his distance from actually falling onto her.

Y/N's chest ached, not just because of the sight, but also from the sounds he was emitting. Raw, tortured sounds echoed in her ears. She was sure that it would haunt her at night. The pain he was feeling was authentic through the noises he was letting go of. He was vulnerable-he always was- but now, he was letting her see the parts of him that he carefully hid from the world.

She didn't know the reason why he was acting this way, much less what made him act like this. Nonetheless, she tried her best to comfort him without any contextual knowledge of the hurt he was experiencing. Y/N wrapped her arms around him, encompassing his trembling body and feeling the little warmth he produced against her chest. Soft rubs touched the expanse of his back in a comforting manner. She could feel the tense muscles of his back tightening even over his cotton shirt.

Harry continued sobbing, babbling incoherent words but one phrase was repetitive. "I'm sorry," he kept muttering. His lips tickled the skin of her neck when he mumbled the words. An area of her shirt was moist with his tears, but she couldn't find it in her to care or get angry. He was much more important to her.

"'m sorry, Y/N" He hiccuped, body jolting with each nuisance. "M so sorry,"

Y/N hushed him, stroking the tangled knots out of his brown hair. She really didn't know anything that he could've done wrong. Slowly, Harry lifted his head from her hold. His head was held down, symbolizing that he was ashamed but Y/N couldn't care less.

"Holding everything in doesn't help,"

"I know," He sniffled, fingers reaching out for a Kleenex tissue from the box. "But Y/N, th-there's nothing to-,"

"Why are you lying to me?" Y/N's tone was stern. He gulped, eyes widening because he knows his back was against the wall.

"M not. 'M fine, I swear," He explained while his hands gesticulated to emphasize the truth. "'M okay, I swear it,"

Despite his words, his eyes were glistening- not from the tears, but in pain. He was screaming for a way out but he wouldn't let himself. Harry was in a constant loop where there was no way out.

"Please don't lie to me again, I can't take it." Her voice squeaked out. "I love you, but I can't help you if you don't talk to me,"

Harry's eyes softened when Y/N's own welled up with tears. The emotions got to her- knowing that someone so special to you was hurting but they wouldn't let you help them. She can't stand knowing that she cannot do anything to make him breathe a little lighter.

"Y/N, I'm sorry," He sighed, palm running across his face downwards. "I don't want you to worry about me because I don't deserve it,"

She snapped her head to gape at him. "I dunno why you do, I'm not anything special,"

"Harry, please don't say that," Y/N quipped. "Y-you're something else. You're so so very special and I'm sure a lot of people would agree with me,"

"I know that what you're feeling isn't the best and I hope that you'll learn to share yourself with me but I want you to know- I need you to know that I have the right to worry about you whether you like it or not because I care about you,"

Harry was rendered speechless. Also, Y/N probably wouldn't even let him talk until she finished her monologue.

"Regardless of if you do let me in, I'm here for you, H" Her thumb swiped a lone tear dripping down his cheek. "If you want to talk, if you wanna rant; hell, even if you just need company. I'm always going to be here for you,"

"I love you so much, Har," She whispered, "Don't forget that,"


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