25• Feel again

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"It was just abdominal pain, I'm sure it was because he ate too much" Jimin said over the phone with hoseok.

"Argh I knew I'd regret this, but we all make mistakes and you should have seen how happy was Dae was". 

"So what you gonna do now?"

"I don't think there's anything I can do , I must just let it be" Jimin answered he and Dae were getting ready to leave the hospital.

"Chim honestly you're grown so what ever decision you make is up to you, but I'll be there for you not matter what" hoseok said.

Jimin was so grateful to have a friend like hoseok, he didn't know where or what he'd done without hoseok in his life.

"Thank you hobi, I appreciate you"

"Anytime Chim, anyway let me go and come visit me I miss my other best friend"

Jimin chuckled " will do, bye" with that hang up the phone, and turn to Dae who was playing game on his iPad "you ready to go home buddy?"

"Is Appa gonna come with us?" Dae asked.

Jimin scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm, sweetie Appa and I aren't together"

"Oh" the five year old said in a small voice and it hurt jimin's heart.

"Ok how's about this, if you behave and be a good boy for this up coming week I'll let you visit appa for the whole weekend"

"Really!?" Dae asked excitedly.

Jimin gave him a small smile and nodded because he didn't trust his voice anymore.


"Dae I said turn off the TV and come and sleep" Jimin scolded lightly.

He was already in bed while Dae stayed in the living room, the boy was old enough to come by himself without Jimin telling him to but it seemed like he needed a reminder.

" I know I'm coming, just want to see what happens next" Dae gushed.

"You have school tomorrow come now"

"But mommy" Dae whined.

"Dae" Jimin said sternly.


"I see someone doesn't want to visit their Appa this weekend" Jimin Snickered.

Within seconds he heard heavy footsteps coming towards his room.

Dae reached jimin's room and jumped on the bed and into jimin's arms.

Jimin laughed and snuggled Dae even closer.

"Am I really going to see Appa this weekend?" Dae asked snuggling into jimin's warmth.

"Mhm but only if you behave ok we had a deal"

Minutes later the room was filled with soft snores jimin wanted to join in on the snores but he was thinking of what to say to Jungkook.

And truthfully speaking he felt bad for how he treated Jungkook, Jimin wasn't a bad guy but when it came to his son all hell will break loose.

Jimin made a mental note to call Jungkook and apologize tomorrow morning but right all he wanted to do was be engulfed in his baby's warmth  and join in on the snores.

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