32. Teach

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show or explain to (someone) how to do something

The two men got out of the car and walked into the building. Namjoon was astonished at how nice the place had looked on the inside. "Woah this place is amazing" Namjoon whispered. The place has a black and red interior, almost as if you're in a bar of some sort. There's a pool table on the far left side of the room, cool neon signs on the wall, a bar in the back of the room, a giant television mounted on the wall and so much more. Namjoon was too busy admiring the set up of the place to realize that Yoongi was calling his name.

Yoongi roughly pulled Namjoon to a secluded area in the building. He proceeded to pull a lever which opened up a whole new entranceway to a separate room the other room they had just walked through. "This is the room you will be doing most of your training in. Please pay attention because I'm only telling you this information once. I hate repeating myself" Yoongi said.
Namjoon simply nodded his head at Yoongi and continued walking behind the elder.

Once the two hit the middle of the room, there were two figures standing near the wall simply waiting for Yoongi to give them some sort of situation. It took Namjoon a second to realize who they really were. "Jimin? Taehyung? What the fuck is going on?" Namjoon asked confused. The room was dead silent and awkward as both Jimin and Taehyung walked closer to Namjoon. The boy had backed up from the two not knowing what to do. Should he panic? Should he make a run for it? He was simply confused.

"Namjoon baby please let us explain why we're here please" Jimin spoke softly. Namjoon looked up at Jimin with soft eyes waiting for the two younger boys to explain themselves. "We are a part of everything that's going on. We sent Felix to spy on Jungkook's gang, we also had Yoongi kidnap you and keep you held hostage, however, whatever Yoongi did to you we had nothing to do with that. We spent years trying to come up with the perfect plan to get rid of Jungkook once and for all." Taehyung spoke thoroughly. Namjoon kept a blank expression on his face, not believing a single word coming out of the youngests mouth. Jimin also spoke up as well " Joonie, I'm sorry if we made it seem like we're against you but I promise you we aren't."

Namjoon looked at everyone in the room before putting his head down to look at the ground. "How is he?" Namjoon asked. This shocked both Jimin and Taehyung. Neither of the two had the heart to tell Namjoon that Jungkook was a wreck without him. Both Taehyung and Jimin wanted Jungkook dead for various reasons. They knew the little shit was evil and didn't really care about Namjoon like he said he did. They knew if Jungkook really cared about Namjoon he would've figured out a way to get him back already not almost a month later.

Namjoon felt riled up and upset which is exactly what the three men in the room wanted him to be. "Alright Namjoon, listen up, right here in my hand is a Sig Sauer P226. It's one of the best hand guns I own alright and your job is to kill Jungkook with it." Yoongi states. Namjoon had taken the gun from Yoongi's hands, examining it, since this was his first time holding any weapon in his life. Taehyung then pulled a piece of paper from his blazer and put it in the middle of the table that was in front of him.

"I uh, I drew a blueprint of how all of this is going to play out. Jimin you're going to hide in this alleyway here beside the pizza place. Your job is to make sure Jungkook is alone if anyone else is with him, shoot them immediately. Yoongi you will be at the side door of the pizza place, your job is to greet Jungkook and make sure his back is to the brick wall so that he doesn't see Namjoon. Namjoon, you will be behind the dumpsters in front of the brick wall. Your job is to obviously shoot and aim at Jungkook in the head or his chest." Taehyung explains to the group. Something in Namjoon was feeling guilty almost like he didn't want to proceed with killing his boyfriend. "A-are you sure you want me to kill him? I mean, I just don't think I have the heart to do it." Namjoon muttered. Jimin looked at Namjoon with an angry expression. This was something that Namjoon wanted to do.

"You're going to kill him. We're already in the process of taking over his gang. It's far too late to back out now Namjoon. Either you suck it up and continue or one of us will make sure you do it." Jimin growled. Namjoon was astonished at his behavior. Jimin never was the type to be upset or angry with Namjoon so this time of voice was really affecting him. Namjoon simply nodded his head in agreement towards Jimin but kept his head down afterwards. "Alright let's get to work" Yoongi says.

Taehyung and Jimin walked out to retrieve the practice dummies and the other equipment they needed to train Namjoon. The two boys took ten minutes so set everything up while Yoongi was picking up some final papers he had written out. Yoongi then put the papers down and picked up a handgun similar to the one he handed Namjoon earlier and walked towards him. Yoongi explained the parts of the gun, how to take the safety off, how to reload it, how to hold it and how to aim and shoot. Namjoon had lifted the gun he had in his hand and aimed terribly at the dummy almost hitting Taehyung in the process. Luckily Tae was able to move out the way before it could. Namjoon had apologized to the younger boy and kept trying to aim and shoot.

*Four hours later*

"Can we please take a break? I'm tired" Namjoon whined. Yoongi gave him a death glare while the two other boys snickered in the background. "There are no breaks when associating with gangs and leaders so suck it up and shoot again until you get it right" Yoongi yelled. Namjoon sighed and lifted his arms to aim at the dummy in front of him. This time, Namjoon finally managed to shoot the dummy directly in the back of the head, decapitating it from the body.

Everyone was so excited at how the new profound gang member finally shot and aimed correctly. If only it was that simple for Namjoon, he was suffering mentally. Both Taehyung and Yoongi left the room to walk more in depth about the plans that were going to take place, leaving both Jimin and Namjoon in the same room. "You know, I really did miss you baby" Jimin purred. Namjoon looked at Jimin with confusion all over his face. "Yah don't play like that Jimin, what happened between us was a one time thing. I'm with Jungkook, I cheated on him and the guilt of what we did is eating me alive" Namjoon ranted.

That did not sit well with Jimin at all. Jimin proceeded to slam Namjoon up against the wall with the most intimidating face. The room was dead silent and all you can hear is the panic breathing coming from Namjoon. "Namjoon don't fuck with me. I don't think you understand what's going on. In about 48 hours your precious little boyfriend is going to be dead and the person who's killing him is you. Do you understand me Namjoon? I'm tired of that fucker always getting in my way and having the things I want. So suck it the fuck up because YOU wanted him dead first. There's no time to back out now." Jimin angrily spewed out.

With that, Jimin threw Namjoon to the ground and walked out the room. Jimin was right, it was far too late to back out of this whole ordeal now.


A/N: hiiiii this took me forever to write I'm sorry. I've been busy with work and there had been some personal things I've been dealing with.

How are you guys? I've missed you all so much. Thank you for all your votes and you unconditional love towards my book it means a lot to me.

For those who live on the west coast please be safe with all these fires and stay hydrated.

I love you all 💜

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