23. Meet

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Come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or arrangement

*three weeks later*

Taehyung wanted Namjoon to meet the rest of Jungkook's gang. Namjoon knew what Jungkook does is dangerous and he wanted no association with it but now all of that has changed. In order for his plan to work he needed to get close with every single one of them as soon as possible.

Saying that Namjoon was nervous was an understatement. A little soft boy like him has no reason hanging around such vicious and dangerous people. Taehyung and Jimin both took Namjoon to the abandoned warehouse where the gang was located.

The place was super sketchy, the streets were cracked and full of potholes, buildings were run down and crumbling apart but most of all it was dark and depressing in that part of town. The car had come to a complete stop before Jimin got out and went inside the run down building.

"Namjoon-ah, I know you're nervous but everything will be fine. I'll make sure no one hurts you" Taehyung reassured. Namjoon gulped and nodded his head and got out the car, waiting for Taehyung. The two males walked into the dirty old building causing Namjoon to tense up.

The smell of it was gut retching and nauseating to the older male but he kept following behind Tae without a single word. "OKAY MEETING TIME" Taehyung yelled and everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and lined up in front of him. Everyone's eyes landed on Namjoon and started chittering you each other.

"SILENCE" Taehyung yelled once again causing Namjoon to flinch. "Taehyung, I didn't know we were bringing toys to play with now, he's a cutie" a member purred at Namjoon. "You better cut the shit before I rip your tongue out bitch" Jimin threatens and the guy immediately shuts up bowing apologetically.

"This is a special guest. This is Jungkook's boyfriend, his name is Namjoon. You will treat him with respect or else Boss will not be happy to hear that his baby is being treated poorly. If anyone touches Namjoon without a reason to, will get a death penalty. Do I make myself clear? As for you Felix, I'll let you off with a warning but if you do it again, I'll make sure you get killed first. Now proceed doing whatever you were doing before" Taehyung finishes and everyone nods and running back to their places.

"Why did you guys bring me here exactly?" Namjoon asked. Namjoon wanted to go home, he didn't belong in a place like this. Not that he didn't trust Jimin or Taehyung but he had an erie feeling in general about the position he was in. All the people were intimidating to Namjoon and he hated that.

Jimin held Namjoon's hand and caressed his cheek to calm him down. "There's nothing to worry about baby. This is all apart of the plan, you need all of them on your side so we can overturn Jungkook from his position as the leader. Tae and I thought it would be a good idea to let you meet them to gain their trust." Jimin explains.

Namjoon could do this, he has to do it. Deep down inside he knew he had to get rid of Jungkook.

A/N: I know this sucks and I'm sorry. This whole quarantine has me feeling sad and unmotivated to do anything. I will do better I promise.

I hope you guys are happy and healthy. Stay inside and stay hydrated. Remember to wash your hands

I love you 💜

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