36. Annihilate

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Destroy utterly; obliterate

Min Yoongi was not a good man. Not at all. But Jungkook admired every little thing that Yoongi had done. Yoongi had taught Jungkook everything he needed to know about the underground industry and how dirty it was. Jungkook always stayed by Yoongi's side like a right hand man. They were never publicly exclusive but everyone knew there was something going on between them. Yoongi and Jungkook had that unbreakable bond that made others jealous.

Jungkook loved Yoongi, he was yoongi's baby boy after all. Yoongi always told Jungkook to never be weak because others would see him as an easy target but right now in this very moment, Jungkook had let his guard down and he felt weak. He's never going to come to a realization that Yoongi has been killed. "It doesn't feel so nice when it's the one you care about is gone huh" Namjoon spat coldly.

Namjoon had raised his gun, aiming towards jungkook's crouched body. "Namjoon please don't do this, please I'm sorry" Jungkook begged. "If you were really sorry you wouldn't have done what you did" Namjoon snapped back. Namjoon had pulled the trigger but nothing was happening. "The fuck?" Namjoon looked at the gun confused. Jimin grabbed the gun from Namjoon's hands and did something with it before handing it back to the older. "Here stupid you had the safety on" Jimin snorted.

Namjoon was about to aim and shoot again when a gunshot had already popped off, making Jungkook fall to the ground in agony. Namjoon looked up and saw Felix grinning at him like a maniac. "Oh darn he isn't fully dead yet. Anyway, I thought you could use some help so I followed you guys" Felix announced. "Go ahead Namjoon, finish him off. Make me proud, make Yoongi proud. You were destined to do this." Felix also encouraged.

Namjoon was shaking out of fear and anger but mostly fear. They were far away from any local civilization so no one would suspect any dead bodies but if they were to be found the bodies would've been badly decayed already. "Felix, why did you follow us here? You knew how important this was to me" Namjoon asked. He didn't get a response back. Felix then pointed his gun towards Jimin and Taehyung, shooting at the two of them as well. The two managed to duck down in time before getting hit with the bullets coming towards them. "Hey dude what the fuck" Taehyung shouted.

Jungkook was still on the floor groaning in pain while trying to get up. Namjoon felt extremely bad and wanted to help him. He never intended for any of this to happen, he only wanted Jungkook to have a taste of his own medicine. Felix also saw him rolling around trying to get up as well so he went behind Namjoon.

"Go on shoot him" Felix encouraged


"This is what you wanted remember? You wanted his head on a silver platter. So shoot him"

"No, I won't do it."

Felix raised his gun towards the back of Namjoon's head before speaking lowly. "I'm not gonna tell you again Namjoon. Fucking shoot him already or I'll shoot you and him. Your choice."

"Namjoon don't listen to him baby. I'm sorry I'm so sorry please don't do this" Jungkook cried out.

"I forgive you Jungkook"

And with that Namjoon shut his eyes and pulled the trigger. The sound of the gunshot echoes through the silent night and two bodies had been dead.

"Well done Namjoon. I'm so proud of you" Felix announced before walking away from the scene. Namjoon dropped the gun and dropped to his knees in front of both Yoongi's and Jungkook's lifeless bodies crying his poor heart out.

Jimin slowly approached Namjoon, trying to comfort him but Namjoon shook him off. He wanted nothing but to be alone in the cold and silence. Jimin had collected all the weapons just in case Namjoon tried to hurt himself and walked back to the car with Taehyung. No one could truly understand what Namjoon was feeling inside.

"Jungkook I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry" Namjoon sobbed out heartbreakingly in front of his body. "I'm sorry I never listened, I'm sorry I wasn't the perfect boyfriend for you. I never actually meant to kill you but I did and I'm so sorry I wish I could take it back. I wish I could take everything back. I wish there was another way we could've worked this out. I wish I never would've gotten involved with meeting your gang or even yoongi hyung's gang, I wish I never set my motive to harm you because I don't feel any satisfaction from this baby I'm so sorry. I love you so much kook and I'm gonna miss you so much"

Namjoon soon turned to yoongi's body. "Hyung. I'm so sorry for what happened to you too. You made me learn how to believe in myself and you taught me a lot throughout the time I got to know you. You're really cool hyung, despite you know, you and Jungkook having an affair during our relationship but it's cool. I really wish you didn't have to die, you had so much going for you. Thank you for taking me in at my lowest. Well actually you kidnapped me and I was mad as hell at first but you taught me that there was so much more I could be and that I have potential. Rest easy hyung I'll miss you"

Namjoon slowly got up off the ground, tears still in his eyes, as he walked back to the car that once had four people in. He took one last look at the two bodies of the people who had a huge impact in his life and got in the car. But even though only one was supposed to go,

Namjoon was finally a free man.

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