2. Silence

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complete absence of sound



cause to become silent; prohibit or prevent from speaking

Which is exactly what Namjoon was doing at this moment. Jungkook just came home which meant Namjoon had to be silent in order for his lover not to hit him. Namjoon was trembling in fear on the bed that they share, not bothering to look up in Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook stares at the blond haired boy before walking up to him and giving him a forceful kiss on the lips while holding a good grip on the older boys neck, nearly almost choking him to death. Namjoon let out a squeak with how hard jungkook was holding him.

"Please let me go" Namjoon choked out. Namjoon realized he made a big mistake speaking towards the younger boy. Jungkook raised his eyebrows at his boyfriend in a disapproving manner. Boy oh boy was Jungkook angry at Namjoon for speaking without permission to.

Jungkook then released the boy from his chokehold and proceeded to punch Namjoon square in the jaw. "Shut the fuck up" Jungkook spat. Namjoon looked at the younger boy with tears in his eyes. Jungkook only scoffed at him before saying "you're pathetic" hitting Namjoon once again. The older boy curled up into a ball putting his head into his knees and quietly sobbing.

By then, Jungkook walked out of their shared room slamming the door behind him making the older boy jump with fear once again. When Namjoon knew it was safe for him to make noises again, he let out the most heartbreaking sob any one could ever hear.

Jimin came in the room quietly without Namjoon noticing and carefully hugged the sobbing boy. Once Namjoon calmed down, Jimin proceeded to hand him an Ice pack for his jaw and a glass of water. "Thank you" Namjoon whispered to him. Jimin simply nodded towards the boy and kissed his forehead. Namjoon softened at Jimin's touch as of that was the only thing keeping Namjoon from hurting himself.

After 20 minutes of Jimin comforting the older latter, Namjoon peacefully fell asleep. Jimin carefully tucked Namjoon in, removing the melted ice pack from his hands, and walked out. "Sweet dreams Joonie Hyung" Jimin said in a quiet tone while closing the door behind him.

Silent but Deadly حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن