Thank You!!!!

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I've been writing this book for a little over two years and the constant love and support you guys have shown me,the comments and votes, it means so much to me.

When I first posted this book it was when covid first started and just I never thought this book would do so well. I had constant fear of people not liking it or it was going to turn out bad.

I'm sorry for how it ended but I always like to keep people on their toes. I'm kinda evil for that one hahaha. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart truly. I'm grateful for every one of my readers (ew it's me crying while typing this for me)  and the people who followed me. Thank you guys for being so patient with me in trying to update this last chapter.

I love you all, be safe and always stay hydrated. I'll see y'all in the next one. Byeeee

Forever and always, always and forever - Lia 💜

Silent but Deadly Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon