Chapter 38

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"Are you done? If you done now, let's go. We have to find Wendy and Happy." Said Lucy after she heal them. Kazuya had bring Erza with him. The poison that Erza got had been healed by Lucy. Everyone had nodded their head. They were split into four teams. Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Carla and Himeko were teams. They were separated their way to find their enemies. Lucy had feeling something but she doesn't know why.

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(Lucy's sun form)

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(Lucy's sun form)

Then they were face against two enemies who from Naked Mummy guild that had working with Oracion Seis affiliated guild, Zato and Gato. Lucy was scowled that they bring their people to join the battle. "If you think that you can defeat us, in your dream. In that case, I will strike you guys!" Said Lucy as she transform herself in her sun form. Carla was amaze to see her form. Lucy, Natsu and Gray were attack them together which make them get defeated so easily.

When they decided to continue their searching of Wendy and Happy, they were interrupt by a former ace Eisenwald, Erigor. Lucy feel annoyed and defeat Erigor without hearing his word. Carla had a feeling that Lucy might a person that can be hard to defeated. They were already approaching Brain's hideout which be stop by Racer. Lucy and Gray were fighting Racer while Natsu, Himeko and Carla going over Wendy and Happy.

 Lucy and Gray were fighting Racer while Natsu, Himeko and Carla going over Wendy and Happy

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Himeko was shock to see Jellal still alive who had been revive by Wendy. Wendy was shaking saying apologize to them. Himeko can't move look at Jellal. "Jellal... How come you...? Wendy, is that you who did this?" Asked Himeko looking at Wendy. Wendy just nodded her head make Himeko gasp. She was worry of Lucy. Natsu was confused doesn't know who Jellal but he had heard Jellal's name. "Do you know him, Himeko?" Said Natsu simply.

Himeko was tremble looking at Jellal. "Yeah, I do know him. He's Jellal Fernandes. He's the one that Lucy love in her life. But I'm more afraid if Gray see Jellal. He hate Jellal for causing Lucy pain. I don't know why Wendy do that but this is bad. I don't know what to do if Lucy or Gray see Jellal." Said Himeko with a fearful tone. Natsu was furious to learn about who Jellal and wanted to beat him for causing Lucy in pain.

Jellal had attack Natsu which he got avoided from his power leaning on the wall. But more confusedly that Jellal had attack Brain too before he walk away. Himeko had heard that Jellal said Erza and Lucy's name making her shock. Jellal had gone somewhere. Lucy had arrived and saw Wendy who being held by Happy and Carla. "Wendy, Happy! You guys were alright. Thanks god. Let's go now." Said Lucy in relief. Natsu had bring Wendy before they left. Lucy was confused to see Natsu and Himeko just silent. Before she asked, she saw Gray had fighting against Racer. Gray saw Lucy and told her to leave with them letting him to handle Racer by himself which Lucy agree. They were quickly leaving to avoid from Racer.

Racer was going to chase after them but being stop by Gray's ice magic. Gray told him that he should better fight him rather go after them and he just accept it. In meantime, Jellal had stolen the clothes from unconscious Erigor. With two things on his mind being Erza and Lucy. The name of Lucy had warm his heart that make him to find her. Meanwhile Lucy was walking with Natsu, Wendy, Carla and Himeko to find the others. She face Natsu and Himeko.

"Okay. Tell me. What's wrong with you guys? You seem bother of something. Did something happen before I come?" Asked Lucy looking at Natsu and Himeko. Himeko was nervous looking at Lucy. She doesn't know what to do or tell her about Jellal. Himeko afraid that Lucy might be heartbroken to see Jellal again. She know that Lucy love Jellal so much in her heart. Himeko had glance over Natsu looking at him.

"Nothing bother me

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"Nothing bother me. It's okay, Luce. Just thinking about..." His word had been stopped when something make them distracted by it. They suddenly see the black light that erupted from the ground and realize it's Nirvana. Natsu who thinking about open that Nirvana had run toward it which Lucy run follow him and warn Himeko to stay with Wendy and Carla. Lucy had feeling that Gray already win against Racer which make her relief.  Lucy saw Natsu had been knocked out and falling down on the raft with unconscious Gray. Lucy feel annoyed and jumped into a raft. She was stood properly looking at the imposter who copy her face as a fake Lucy. "Come out, Angel. I know that was you." Said Lucy calmly.

As like she said, Angel had appeared with a smirk on her face. "Oh, my. Seems like you had already know my appearance, Lucy." Said Angel. Lucy had look Angel with a serious face. Angel look so confident to fight against Lucy and will win this fight. Lucy just told her to give up on this fight saying that she doesn't have a chance but Angel won't listen to her which Lucy doesn't have choice but fight her. Lucy had figured out that Angel have Aries's key to make her summon Loke. So she called Capricorn.

Capricorn was the second strongest in Celestial spirit world. Angel's eyes were widen shock knowing that she doesn't have chance to win if Capricorn here. "Damn you! How do you have that key?!" Said Angel furiously. Lucy was smirk when she look at Angel. "It's a secret. Why should I told you about that, huh?" Said Lucy. Angel was gritted her teeth quickly call Aries.

Lucy was scowled knowing her plan to weaken her but she won't fall in her plan. So, she told Capricorn to fight against Aries which Capricorn obey her. Capricorn had fight and finally defeat her easily. Angel use Cauleum and shoot her but Lucy use her protection dragon power. Lucy know how to defeat Angel. Lucy use her moon form. Then she use her crystal and create bells around Angel. Just like she did to Evergreen, she will do a same thing to Angel. Angel had finally defeated. Before she passed out, she give three keys to Lucy which Lucy accepted it.

"You're strong, Lucy." - Angel

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