Twenty Three

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"Erm, so what does that mean?" I ask, my skin feels like something's crawling on it and Issac's closeness doesn't help either.

"It's been a rough day for me. I just want to talk." He says simply, but hesitatingly.

I sigh of relief washes over me.

"Okay." I say.

"It seems like your hiding something from me."

"What do you mean?"

"You avoid me throughout the school days but hang out with me after, just whenever we aren't in school. Why?"

My eyes widen, and I realize what he's saying. Flashbacks of Amber comes into my mind:

"I don't know what you said or did with Issac when Ms. Fields told you to go after him, but you better keep your distance. Your just his stupid tutor and science partner. That should've been me!" She yells at me, standing next to me as I pack my belongings.

"Well, life ain't fair, Amber. Did you think the world evolved around you? Because clearly it doesn't."

She clenches her jaw. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me! I won't let you torture my life like this anymore! You've ruined my life for like about a few years, and gosh darn it, I'm sick and tired!" I yell.

"Well, just stay away from Issac." She says, and stares at me. "And lower your voice." Then she drags me by pulling my hand, and I luckily manage to lock my locker before she got off to fair. She drags me to the bathroom.

"Issac is mine. So get it out of your head now. And tell your friend to stay away from Travis." She says. "Jessica and Travis would totally have cute babies together!" She gushes.

"I don't care about your stupid ships and sails. Tell Blossom yourself to stay away from Travis, and see what she'll say to you. You aren't gonna be happy."

Amber pushes me back and glares at me. "I don't think I know who the heck you're talking to, but sure ain't me." She stares at me. "Your a waste of life and everything. I'm shocked your mother gave birth to you. She must've regretted it. Just like your father-"

"Amber-" I warn her.

"Yes, just like daddy! And guess what? He left because of you. Your mother was just silly enough to stay with you."

"You don't mean that." I say, glaring at her.

"I do. Everything single thing I said. I guess your father realized he could waste his life on something way better than you. In fact, maybe your mother left you too! Maybe your adopted!" She snarls, evilly.

"And your siblings? Maybe they act like they like you-"

I shove her on the floor, her lip gloss falls out of her "$ 500" dress and she glares at me.

"Fine, let's fight."

"What? Are you kidding me? No!"

"Hey, baby sis, you started this, and I'm ending it."

She drops her bag and runs to me. Instantly, I'm in fighting mode. She swings like one of those crazy girls, and I dodge, able to manage kicking her to the bathroom wall.

I elbow her stomach and she slaps my face. I kick her stomach, and falls to the floor. She tries to crawl away, but I drag her foot.

Then she manages to-


I zone out and shake my head. "What did you just call me?"

"I can't call you by your real name?"

"Why?" I ask with a slight frown.

"Because...your not my Aisha."

"I'm not?" I ask, pursing my lips and thinking.

"No." He says, leaning towards me again, that my breathing stops and I can feel the warmth of this skin. He lies down next to me.

"You're my Pink, aka Pinkalious."

A/N: Another short chapter, also in the future I'm going to edit and fix these very embarrassing, silly and cringe author notes! This whole book needs editing (including author notes, so much cringe) so please forgive me, after all, I am the Cringe Queen.

Until the next,
Bow down your head to the official Cringe Queen,

The Girl With The Pink Hair Where stories live. Discover now