Chpt. 6: Kisses and Blackmails

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It was morning I woke up feeling anxious by the fact whoever text me last night still a lot of questions running through my head.

And then another beep on my phone this morning"Goodmorning sunshine how are you feeling? "the new unknown number texted.

"Where's my mom? I know you know where she is."I replied I had this strong gut feeling he was the culprit.

"Here. "It says then it sent a photo of her she was sitting on the chair with a shot in her left chest she's dead.

I was shocked "What the hell did you do you moron?!"I texted I was enraged.

"Don't call the cops..and don't investigate on this. Because your pictures kissing your little blond girl will be leaked on the whole schools newspaper."It replied.

"I don't care. And this school is pro LGBT they don't really care about who dates who or who kisses who asshole"I replied this was getting nowhere at all.

So I got ready I took a bath and quickly got out having my outfit on for the day then I was doing my make up and I heard someone scream loudly it was Maxine.

So I put down my lipstick on the table and rush off to where I heard the scream as I rushed into Maxine's room she was trembling and I saw a box on the floor with a finger.

My eyes went wide so I went to take the box out Dylan, James, and Hailey went in her room as well.

I hugged Maxine "It's gonna be okay darling..just um..take deep breaths and calm down."I said softly.

"What happened here?"Hailey asks.

"Someone gave her a finger of a person..well look at the box. It's at her vanity table."I said as I was rubbing Maxine's arm gently to comfort her.

Hailey went to check and looked disgusted with what she just saw"Ew..that is just.. Really creepy."Hailey says.
"Agree."James says Dylan was quiet.

"We should know who had done this..are you being stalked recently?"Dylan asks Maxine.

"Yes..ive been getting messages..and he was sending a lot of pictures of me"Maxine replies.

"Well..i thought I was the only one who is being blackmailed."I said rolling my eyes.

Dylan got shocked by this"What?! By who?!"Dylan asks quickly.

"If I know who it is I would have told you guys. And also my mom is dead"I said plainly walking off leaving the four.

Hailey walked off following Artemis"Ari..when was this? I'm really sorry to hear the news..but I also need to tell you something."Hailey says.

"Well..just yesterday night. And also it's fine so what are you gonna tell me?"I asked looking at her.

"James likes me. Do you notice it?"Hailey asks.

"Obviously. He protects you and who wouldn't like you your a great friend"I said.

"So.. Are you and..Maxine a thing?"Hailey asks me I shook my head laughing.

"No of course not. I don't like her."I said.

"Yet you kissed her?"Hailey says.

"It's an experiment."I responded quickly.

"What about Dylan?"Hailey asks.

"What about Dylan? I don't know. What's up with him. "I responded I'm quite confused.

"He loves you and you don't notice it at all do you?"Hailey says.

I stood there frozen trying to analyze what I should say.

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