Chpt. 5: It's Either Your With Me Or Against Me

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As Hailey got grabbed from the corner by some strong arms she panicked at this she didn't know what to do.

James heard her screams "Hailey!!!! I'm almost there! Hold on okay?!"James yells catching his breath running faster to catch up.

As he reached there he saw the guy starting to kick and beat Hailey up who was trying to cover herself to protect herself from the damages being thrown at her.

"Hey! Stay the hell away from her!"James yells as he was behind the culprit.

The culprit turned around and James punched him then they started fighting but James couldn't keep up any longer he was getting hit way too much too.

Then luckily Artemis came in she always had a registered gun with her incase something happens so she fire it in the air"Stop it! Get the hell away from both of them or I will shoot you in your freaking head."Artemis says.

The culprit heard the gunshots fired from Artemis's gun and went to go run off somewhere quickly as Artemis went to chase on the guy but Hailey stopped her"Ari..dont go after him for now.. It's dangerous I know your upset.. But please...don't force yourself too much."Hailey says in a soft voice.

Artemis stayed with James and Hailey "We need to get in my house now"Artemis says in her voice full of authority.

"Alright. "James says as he looked beated up badly too because of protecting Hailey but he didn't careless about it.

Artemis helps James up and same with Hailey as they went to walk to her house as they reached there the gates were opened for them.

And she walked in opening the door and saw her Dad who was shocked about what in the world had just happened to her two friends.

As they got in quickly Artemis layed James down on one of the comfy couches and same with Hailey.

"Dear.. Um..may I ask what happened to your friends?"Richard asks.

Artemis sighed"Hailey almost got abducted....and James came in to protect her just in time. Because whoever that was..well I think he's the same one who abducted one of our classmate.."Artemis says.

Richard pulled her in a hug in which she returned back"Dad..i don't want you to really worry about me much. Because well..i failed to catch the culprit at the hospital.. Because mom got shot by some sniper..and.. I was too late."Artemis says sighing.

"It's not your fault at all..and I know your mom loves you..and she would understand why you couldn't catch up.. I'm sure you and your friends will be able to solve this and save your mom.. If it's not to late."Richard says.

Artemis pulled away from the hug and smiled"Thanks dad. "Artemis says softly before walking back to her friends.

She went to dial Dylan's phone number luckily he picked up"Artemis! What in the world?! Why did you just run off to the hospital leaving me and Nicholas in there?!"Dylan says from the other line.

"Gawd! Calm down! I'm not some child that can get lost. And James and Hailey are hurt badly! That's what you should be panicking about not about me."Artemis says.

"Where are you tell me? "He asks.

"At my house."Artemis says before hanging up.

It had been awhile before Dylan got in at Artemis's home and saw James Beated up badly he looked so pale and then Hailey was sitting beside Artemis who Artemis was comforting the best way she can.

"I'm sorry to run off..with Dylan without telling you. And second you shouldn't have come out of the school what if James wasn't there?"Artemis says.

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