Chpt. 22:What More Do We Have To Lose?

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And it was after the Monday morning yesterday at the Sunday evening Artemis lost a friend, James lost a friend and the love of his life, And Mrs.Montgomery lost a Daughter.

"As everyone of you knew Hailey was a great friend to everyone of us. She was the most loyal, most helpful and as I could say next to being smart as me. She was always there when a friend needed her to be there. She was a great partner in life to James... And it was so soon that she passed away. She was a great daughter to Mr. And Mrs. Montgomery she was known to be a very respectful daughter and a student. She was Infact a great student at Athena High...and as we all can say we will miss her very much.."Aryemis says as then she put a white rose upon the coffin.

As then the choir band started to play a song Artemis wa gonna sing.... In shock of everyone..

"If I die young... Bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses.. "

"Sink me in the river.. At dawn. "

"Send me away with the words of a love song. "

"Lord make me a rainbow I'll shine down on my mother she'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors"

As then Artemis was singing she was in the verge of tears.

"If I die young~"as she was singing the high note in the chorus part she started to break down in tears.

The people was shocked as they saw Artemis the Artemis Vander crying in a public place Dylan got up from his seat as he approached her"No..Just leave me alone!!!"She yelled as she run off crying..

As then a proper funeral perhaps should make it up as Artemis was the last person at the funeral she was standing in front of the tombstone where the name of Hailey was beautifully engraved.

"Hey Hailey.. If your hearing this.. I'm sorry... Because I was a failure to you...thay I failed onto finding you...sooner and now that bastard was not caught. But I promise I will avenge you.. I will...and I will never stop til that bastard is behind bars..and I swear he will pay for it all.."Artemis says before she walked off.

Little did she know Hailey was a few distance away from where she was standing as she was hiding behind a tree how was it possible? Let's just go back to the whole story....

So Artemis was at her room as she heard a knock on the door it was around 12:00 in the midnight as she opened the door she saw Hailey in the flesh without a single scratch"Holy in the name of god h-how are you alive?!"Artemis says stuttering as she couldn't believe her eyes she was shocked.

"N-no.. Let me explain.. And it's really me the real Hailey..."Hailey says as she went to hold the hand of Artemis who was slightly panicking.

Artemis cried hard as she pulled Hailey close to her and gave her a hug"I thought you were dead! I thought you were dead"she says in between sobs as then her crying could be heard in Darryl and Stacey's room.

It alarmed Darryl and Stacey so they went to check it out and saw Artemis crying in Hailey's arm"Oh my gawd! Your alive!!!! "Stacey squealed in tears as she hugged Hailey and Artemis along with Darryl.

They stayed like that for awhile as they went in Artemis's room to talk about how it happened..

Sunday night around 8:30pm....

Hailey was running as she finally got the chance to run away from the culprit as she managed to dive into the water so basically the body that was retrieved by the cops was a fake one.

The culprit made a fake one for Artemis and her friends to panic for people to have more fear on whoever was doing all of these behind the cameras.

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