Chpt. 11: The Worse Should be Expected

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Then there was a scream that was coming from the hall. Artemis rushed out of the cafeteria as she saw in the hall way.

Marlon is dead he had several stabs in the chest going to the abdomen the cuts in the side of his neck as she walked closer she took the white cloth off of his lower part of the body only to reveal his torso that was cut off of his top parts of the body.

"It's him."Artemis mumbled.

"What do you mean it's him?"Dylan asks.

"Isn't it obvious?! He killed Marlon because Marlon did something wrong about his orders.."Artemis says.

"What?"Dylan and Nicholas asks in unison.

Artemis gave them a glare"Now we need to know who else is part of this murder.."Artemis says having that smirk on her face.

Students started to crowd around"Its clear that the murderer is a girl"Artemis says.

"But..the stabs? It's way too violent. What kind of girl could do that. I would say it's a guy because no one could..attack him like that if it's a girl"Nicholas says.

Artemis facepalmed and faced Nicholas"Its a girl. And for the record are you underestimating what we girls can do? We are capable of having strength.."Artemis says before going back to observe.

Everyone was completely silent then Artemis stared annoyed at Dylan and Nicholas"Shut up both of you"Artemis says.

"What? We didn't say anything"The two reasoned.

"You two are thinking its annoying"Artemis says before facing Marlon's dead body on the floor once again.

It was silent once again"Did you get anything?"Dylan asks.

Artemis jumped up to her feet cheerily "It's Bloody Brilliant!"Aryemis says as she clasp her hand together.

"You over there come here in front"Artemis says plainly ordering one of the girl's to come in front.

Her name was Jasmine Cheston Marlon's new girlfriend" killed him because your working for T...killed him also because of your jealousy. Bitterness."Artemis deduced.
"What the hell?! Why are you accusing me?! Is this how you really do thing? After beating him up last time you saw him!"Jasmine yelled at Artemis who stood there staring at her plainly.

"Really? Me? Well because your jerk ass boyfriend almost killed of Maxine! You idiot!"Artemis says.

"You are a bloody psychopath! I bet you did this."Jasmine says raising her voice at Artemis once again.

"Wow..says someone who just murdered her own boyfriend..who has that kind of sane thinking"Artemis says plainly.

"What the hell are you talking about?!-"Jasmine was cut off by Artemis.

"So where is the weapon? Base on the blood in your coat you still have it"Artemis says deducing her.

Artemis walked toward her closer and closer  as Jasmine began trembling that was it she was guilty about what she had done killing Marlon.

"So tell me who do you work for"Aryemis says starting to interrogate her.

"I c-cant he will kill me it I say so"Jasmine says shaking.

"Oh me the excuses Jasmine...we know your telling a lie"Artemis says plainly.

"I don't know who he is okay?! I don't know!!"Jasmine says as she was about to hit Artemis but Artemis was quick enough to knock her out.

Everyone gasps"Everyone please stop overreacting."Artemis says as she went to lay Jasmine down on the floor gently and went to search her coat.

After awhile officers came in as she managed to take out the evidence"Here's the knife."Artemis says as she puts it in a ziplock handing it to Detective Tross.

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