Chpt. 28: Broken

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Artemis's POV:

I was back in my room as I thought I must have blacked out so I got up it was a Monday morning as I looked into my calendar it was December 24 "Oh my gawd! The Christmas party is today! "I said on such excitement as I got up and went to run out of the halls of my home.

Something was strange because I saw my dad he was alive and Helena was there alive obviously I run up to my dad hugging him"Dad! Your back!"I said happily.

Dad smiled and hugged me back"I know. Anywyas sweetheart.. You need to get's your Christmas party. Have fun okay?"He says before waving bye leaving the house with Helena who smiled giving her a kiss on her forehead.

I smiled and waved at them and I saw Stacey who was on her beautiful outfit so I got up running upstairs getting ready quickly and was finally in my beautiful Christmas dress it was a beautiful red dress with some black lace as a layer on it as then I put on my black heels.

I looked into my mirror sighing as then Darryl walked in giving me hug as then he gave me a small smile"He loves you very much. Everything's gonna be fine."Darryl says.

Dylan had never showed up ever since he went to say his goodbye which pained me the most he jumped off the building i knew he was gone ever since that funeral that happened I shook those thoughts out of my head and looked at the small locket Dylan gave me when I was all alone.

It's been a year he was gone and I tried to move on to just wake up in the morning accepting he was gone as then I made my way going to school and go have a Christmas party with my siblings and friends.

As then we started to play a song and dance and party like there was no problem at all I sat there all alone in the corner drinking some champagne trying to get myself get rid of all the pain I was feeling.

As then Hailey and James approach me"Hey it's gonna be alright okay? Just have fun for now."James says softly trying to lighten my mood up I just gave him nod before drinking another glass of champagne.

Hailey run off and went back giving me some of my favorite cupcakes I ate it with her"You know I'm sure he wants you to be happy and just move on with your life. I know it's hard..but you gotta try.. Because you know that he wants you to have a happy life he sacrificed for reasons Artemis.. Because he loves you. And he always will. "Hailey says softly as she explains it to me who looked like a mess.

I just gave her a small smile as then I went to watch my brother Darryl dance with Lily who looked so happy the two were dancing as then Looking at the other side Stacey was there dancing cheerily with Lorenzo then when I look back to where Hailey is she was gone and I saw her dancing with James a perfect ending I always wished for everyone.

As for Maxine she was dancing with some of her friends and I was at my seat by the corner as I just wished my existence fades away quickly.

As then I let tears stream down my cheeks as I let all the emotions drown me the sorrow to drown me as I think about Dylan I missed him so much as the memory kept flashing back in my thoughts when he said his last goodbye. When he told me he loves me... I never knew that would be the last of everything.

He was my everything I didn't know I would be losing him so soon and I was this girl who never appreciated any of it any of those efforts Dylan ever did for me and now I'm too late to realize it all.

So I got up and run off to the cemetery to visit Dylan's grave as I stood there in front of his tomb stone"Hey Dylan...Happy Christmas... I miss you... I hope you come back home...that you tell me that your okay.."I said as then I placed down some beautiful bouquet of flowers.

I just stood there as I cried softly"Im sorry that I just can't be better. That I can't be strong enough to go one with my life... Eventually I'll be better...and hey....were finally will never be the same without you....i just want you to know you were my everything.... If I could just have one more miracle happen I would want you to be alive...i hope you just come back to life...but I know that would never happen."I said softly as tears streamed down my cheeks I wiped it once more before taking one last glance before walking off.

It was finally Christmas Eve as me and my friends gather at my house and we all had some fun games it was like really happy all cheery and I felt relief as then we all started to hand gifts someone knocked on the door.

James insisted that he will get the door before we all play a nice game of Uno cards as then it took him time and we heard audible crying and screaming.

As we all got up I can believe my eyes it was Dylan he was alive all along its been a year and he never told me not a word, no calls, no texts.

I was too shocked as then James had some tears in his eyes as then Dylan walked up to me I couldn't move I was enraged and shocked all emotions flowing through me all at the same time"Artemis-"I cut him off by slapping him hard everyone gasped.

"One Word! One text! One call! Was all I ever needed! To know you were alive! T-that you weren't gone! But no.. You never did."I said in tears and slight rage in my tone before I stormed off upstairs going to my room.

Everyone was too busy to question him I just curled up in my bed as I look into the moonlight as the snow falls down from the sky as then I was in deep thoughts as then I heard a knock on my door I groaned pissed off as I opened the door with the most expressionless face as I faced who the person was it was Dylan.

"I know I was gone.. But maybe.. You were the one who was gone for a year. Artemis...dont you think it's odd that your dad is here?"Dylan says softly.

I just chuckled at the thought"And what is this another lie Dylan?"I said being my stubborn self.

"Artemis... I would never tell a lie you know that."Dylan says.

"Are you real? "I asked softly he nods"Maybe."He says softly I pulled him into the most passionate kiss how I miss him.

"I miss you..."I said softly as then Dylan smiled at me but then I noticed he was staring at something else really odd.

I looked around "Artemis.. I miss you but you need to wake up... Maybe it went the other way around..."He says.

As then I felt my vision blurring a little more as then all I heard was muffled voices before I passed out once again.


To be continued....

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