Chpt. 10: Suicide or Murder?

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As then Artemis had finally got the call from Detective Tross telling her that they finally got the autopsy report.

As she got there she read the letter and the results were suicide "'s murder I'm telling you.. Maybe they got confused and..accidentally made a mistake.....this is murder I'm telling y-"Detective Tross shushed her.

"I tried telling them too..but we can do anything about what the majority thinks.."Detective Tross says.

"Can't we do anything about it?"Artemis asks.

"Well..we need to find a really big evidence that could reopen this case for investigation. We need proof and evidence.. And also.. If you can you need to try to connect all the puzzles that would lead to the murderer"Detective Tross says.

"Alrigh-"Artemis was cut off by her grandmother walking in pissed off at her clearly.

"This is your fault. All your idiotic deductions..thinking that your so great but your nothing you will always be a failure and Jessica she's always above you."Her grandma pointed at her harshly.

Artemis turned to look at her"Yeah sure. Because all you see is Jessica not me. And I am the best and only the best now tell me that I should get a boyfriend because I swear..I'd rather leave the house."Artemis says walking off.

"Richard! Is that what you teach your daughter to talk back? And this?!"Her grandma says showing a picture of her and Maxine kissing.

Richard just scoff at this"What I teach her is to be herself. And she is a smart please don't talk to her like that."Richard says as he went to the morgue to say his goodbye to Brittany.

Artemis was about to walk back to the dorm but suddenly rain poured from the sky she sighed"And this is life.."She says as she starts to walk getting soaked by the rain but then suddenly she felt like there's a shade above her she turned to see who it was.

It was Dylan she smiled and hugged him"Thank you."She says.

"Sorry I haven't been able to go contact you family went on to a trip..I gotta be honest I missed you and the others.."He says softly.

"Dylan..Thanks really..I just still don't get it why you love me after all this seriously I am a person who dosent really have a good sense of humor."Artemis says.

Dylan smiled at her"It are the most..wonderful person I've ever met..your one of a kind..and I-uh"Dylan was cut off by Artemis pulling him close to her and kissed him she felt his lips on hers Dylan wasn't able to move or say anything he was in shock by what Artemis had just done his pulse slightly raised as he run his fingers on her hair gently as he rest his other hand on her cheek.

Artemis felt like the kiss was for an hour or more as she felt her lips on his he has soft lips slightly rough as she kissed him passionately then they both break apart and Artemis looks at him as she had her hand on his cheek"I Love You have to stay away from me..and forget about me and try to forget that we ever shared this kiss. It's for your own sake..Im sorry I just can't..I don't deserve love. But you deserve love and happiness someone will love you Dylan someone will but someone isn't me."Artemis says before walking off letting the rain soak her once more.

Dylan stood there in silence holding on his umbrella and sighed he didn't want to be apart from her but she said so..and he can't do anything about it.

He let tears stream down his face as he stood there meanwhile Artemis look upon the clouds as she fell slowly on her knees crying.

As then a car stopped by and someone got out and she felt like there was shade on her again it was Nicholas holding an umbrella for you"Come I'll give you a ride to school. Your gonna get yourself sick Just Artemis"Nicholas says.

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