Chpt.26:Elimination Round (Pt.2)

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As then blood splattered on Artemis's shirt as she looked down she was still alive but as she saw she had her eyes wide as her hands were covered in blood as she managed to get the man's body off of hers she got up and took the mask off which revealed Jerome who was one of her schoolmate.

"Oh god.. No.."Artemis mumbled then she heard a scream from upstairs she dropped the knife quickly and run upstairs she saw Stacey who was crying hard as she saw a man in front of Stacey who was pointing a gun at her Artemis signed to Stacey to be quiet as then she managed to hit the man and knocked him out Artemis looked at the man and searched for any weapons but instead she saw a bomb strapped around the man.

Her eyes widen once again and run to Stacey pulling Stacey along as they both run to the long halls of the mansion and run down the stairs as they got out together the bomb went to explode which made the glass shatter from the inside particles launching from the inside as it scatter some falling from above Artemis quickly cover Stacey's and her head as they run out as they bumped into Dylan.

Artemis looked like a mess and still had blood in her hands Dylan saw this"Oh my gawd are you okay?"Dylan asks Stacey and Artemis.

Stacey nods and Artemis remained silent "I need to go..."Artemis says as she went to walk to the other way of the road Dylan stopped her by pulling her by her wrist as then she stopped don her tracks and faced him.

"Who's blood is that?"Dylan asks her with slight hint of worried expression.

Artemis just looked at him plainly"Does it Matter?! Because for all I know I would get hand over to the police."Artemis says pissed off as she took Dylan's hand off of her wrist.

"Artemis just answer me! Who's blood is that?!"Dylan says in a croaked voice of his.

"It's Jerome's! He was part of the whole game okay?! It was an accident...I didn't mean to kill him! Is that what you wanted to hear?!"Artemis yelled out.

"Guys! Please stop fighting!"Stacey says as she tried making the two yelling and arguing.

"Why? How did you kill him?"Dylan asked now in a calm tone.

"He attacked me. First. And then we went on fighting! I swear I use no idea who he is...and then I thought I was sure one who got stabbed as I opened my eyes I accidentally killed him as he pounced on me that's how I accidentally stabbed him.."Artemis says in a very plain tone.

"Oh gawd..."Was all Dylan could say he was shocked and worried as well.

"Call the cops. "Artemis says plainly to Dylan.

"No.. We can't just hand you over. Artemis think for once."Dylan says as then Stacey told them to just calm down and go to school instead.

As then James and Hailey saw them as they went to walk by Hailey saw the blood on Artemis's hands"Artemis? Is it true?"Hailey asks shocked.

"Yep. I did it in act of self defense okay?! I don't know who even killed our maid Linda! Her hand was on the blender and it was all crazy okay?! Guys! I'm scared because getting to out of hand."Artemis managed to choke out as tears streamed down. Her face and wiped the blood in her hands on her bloody shirt and started to walk away.

"We can't just let her on her own.."Dylan mumbled Stacey just sighed "What do we do?"Stacey asks.

"Hailey your mom is a lawyer right?"James asks as he got an idea.

"Yes she is."Hailey says as she gave James a slightly confused look.

"You should talk to her about this. She could come up at Artemis's defense because it was all self defense am I right?"Stacey asks.

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