Chpt. 29: Awake and Back To My Senses

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Artemis woke up once again as she was in a very uncomfortable bed as she looked around it was never familiar to her as she got up groaning a little her head was aching so badly as then she heard an iron door opening as that creaking sound echoed around the room as she looked up to see who it was non other than Nicholas.

"It was so funny how you were in your little fantasy..."Nicholas says softly as then he grabbed her by her chin harshly forcing her to face him as she stared at him groggily as she just realized she was drugged the whole time.

"Isn't it lovely? Your pathetic because your emotions make you useless! And weak! "He spats out in her mouth Artemis did her best to fight back as she just slapped him he laughed insanely at this before holding her bu her neck throwing her at the cold floor like she was nothing.

"You know he tried to find you.. But he just lost. And you know what he will never find you. It's been one year and he tried finding you everyday while attending at classes..but it always leads him into dead-ends because it was meant that way! You were meant to love me!"Nicholas yells at Artemis who tried her best to get up as by the way Nicholas throwed her on the cold floor her face landed first which made her get a little cut in her check as then she faces him.

"What. Tell it. Tell me you love me!"Nicholas yells in her face as he grabbed her by her chin which she was quite terrified about she was no match for him she was feeling all dizzy and too weak for her body to function.

"I WILL NEVER SAY THAT! TO YOU! Nicholas... We're friends I get that your hurt. But please just let me had me trapped in here for a freaking year already!"Artemis spat back he got furious and hit her punching her in her stomach and her face which made her spit out some blood.

"I'll be back.."He says with a sinister smirk on his face before leaving Artemis on her own.

She got up using all her strength as she tries to get out of the room without being noticed as she limps down the hallway of the unknown building.

"You have to never let her get away from here. "Another voice of an unknown man says.

"Of course. Anyways...if you need anything there's a phone in my office. I need to check on something."It's was Nicholas's voice.

Artemis quickly got an idea she was hiding beside a big plant which was on a big pot by the corner as she managed to sneak to the office quickly as she opened the door of the office she saw a table and saw the mobile phone there.

She run to the table quickly as she closed the door praying that everything would be fine as then she walked to the table and saw the mobile phone was missing it's battery die she checked on one of the drawers after awhile she managed to go on and turned the phone on and quickly pressed the call button as she managed to type Dylan's phone number.

It rang, and rang.... It had been a minute and he wasn't answering"Dylan...cmon...please answer..."She says as so as she thought no one would answer the phone was answered by someone thankfully.

As it was answered she heard Hailey's voice"Who's this?"Hailey's voice asked as then Artemis started to cry in gladness as she heard Hailey"Its me Artemis...I'm in this place...its like a old has some hideout..i think.... It's near Kentwood"As then Artemis could hear Dylan's voice all sounding like he was worried he grabbed the phone from Hailey as Hailey hands it to him.

"Artemis...where are you? Are you alright?! "He asks in so much panic and concern.

"I'm fine...i don't know how much time I have to make this phone call...but'm at some abandoned pizzeria as I can deduce around this place...but there are some hospital materials around here and a hideout......please...come here immediately before they get me caught... Before it's too late-"Artemis was cut off as the door at the office she was in opened she was shocked she end the call immediately.

As then she turned to look at who it was behind her she could hear the sound of the gun being loaded as she saw who it was....

It was Nicholas who was wearing a smirk on his face "Hiiiii! Princess who are you talking to?"He asks in a very cheery tone with a big smile on his face now.

Artemis tried to run out of the office but Nicholas managed to catch up as he dragged her out the office with him to anotber unknown room"What the hell?"Artemis says pissed off as she tried to get herself free and Nicholas shushed her.

"Silence. "He says softly in more of a whisper as then she kicked him as she tried to get herself free but I instead she was forcefully pushed into a tank a big tank of water.

She fell her self sink into the cold water as all she sees is complete darkness as she let herself fall further down in the abyss letting herself drown deep down so far that she was hard to reach she just closed her eyes and tried to stay put.

"They will be here any time now.."She thought to herself as then as time goes by she was losing oxygen.

She was losing air and she knew anytime she could die she wasn't afraid of her own death as she dreamt about it a lot nowadays but right now she was scared of dying because she didn't want to leave those she cared for.

But here she is in a big tank filled with water and all she could see is complete darkness.....of course she told herself to try and stay a little longer...

But who knows how much will she stay strong how much will she fight for her life when she's losing oxygen already?

Who will come there for her any sooner?

If someone will.... Will they make it in time?

Before its too late?

To be continued....

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