Chpt. 14: A Spy?

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After the past months
Artemis had been solving and solving the puzzles being given to her by the mystery person behind all this.

It was a November morning it was a little cold than the usual days Artemis was at her room sketching as usual as she got bored she took out her chemistry equipment and took out some chemicals Hydrogen peroxide and Potassium Iodide she was gonna make elephant toothpaste.

So she put on her lab gown and her goggles and started adding the ingredients needed as she managed to make the chemical reaction flawless it was wonderful after awhile she cleaned up her stuff and went to play the violin.

Then she heard a knock on her door she stopped and opened it she smiled as she saw who it was..And it was Dylan who had hot cocoa and some pastries in his other hand"I think you should take a day off of that?"He says as he points at the board that was filled with pictures of random people and having red lines connecting them.
Artemis sighs softly"I just can't solve it...quicker..."Artemis says softly as Dylan gave her a small smile.

"Why don't you give yourself a break? I mean you've been working on this cases so hard and you hardly even rest. Don't be too hard on yourself love.."Dylan says softly and gave her a peck on her lips which caught her off guard and made her blush a little.

She just smiled at this and let him in her room and closed the door behind her"So..why do you work on this case on your own?"Dylan asks.

"Because...I can't risk anyone at the moment.."Artemis respond as she took one of the doughnuts and took a bite on it.

"You will need help in it.."Dylan says softly and Artemis shook her head.

"It's way too risky..I can't lose you.."Artemis says softly as she put her free hand on Dylan's cheek caressing it.

" won't lose me..I'm always here with you..and hey..if this is all done everything will be normal now..and maybe we could go on one of those places you always like? You know at the movies or something?"Dylan says softly trying to lighten her up to see her stress free.

Artemis gave him a small smile"I don't know...about this..but-"She was cut off by her phone beeping.

She looked at it "Break up with him or else you want something bad to happen?"

"What the hell..I'm solving all the puzzles you make me solve..i play along in this stupid game of yours and you ask for that. "Artemis replied really pissed off.

"Well in that case if you don't..let's see who else are on my list.. How about your dad? I can do that easily.. But I want something that will anger you so maybe..I should really end your Prince Charming? It's so funny how you would react because I'd be watching.. I'm watching and listening to you every second. Every minute. Every hour...all the time.."

"Alright..enough with little ass..I swear even if my life will have to come to an end to protect him.. I will do it. So it's a no..end of conversation"Artemis replied and started to shut down her phone and took the battery out and put the battery and her phone on her drawer.

Dylan looked at her in concern"Is everything alright?"He asks softly like he always does he was always so gentle on her.

"Yeah...everything's completely under control.."Artemis says as she walks to look at the board with all the pictures.

Then pointed at One photo"So if Marlon is dead..then jasmine is down..Of course he would need someone closer to me to spy on me...unless..he was here..but who? And how?"Artemis says as she began to think harder.

Dylan was thinking as well as a conclusion came to him"A-Artemis..I k-know..this thing I came up is a little crazy..b-but..don't you think N-Nicholas..or M-maxine have been too quiet?"Dylan says asking Artemis cautiously.

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