Chapter 16

882 16 2

As I kept on training with Bulla,I felt a surge of power a few kilometers away.
Bulla looked distraught as well,I think she felt it too,the was dark.
I pressed Bulla's back and quickly instant transmissioned to the energy.
It was Goku, was me...wait no...who was that...
"Finally,I meet you,the famed Y/N"-This guy said with his voice,it was familiar yet so distant as well.
"Who are you"-I asked him confidently,I was way more powerful than him,even in my base form.
"I am,Goku,of course"-He said as he did a slight sarcastic bow,his comment was immediately proved wrong as Grandpa instant transmissioned here too,Vegeta on his side.
"No,you aren't"-I said back to him immediately.
A black aura started to form around him,it was expanding slowly,almost like water.
"Bulla run"-I screamed as a big explosion happened,it cut me and bruised me a lot.
The Imposter Goku now had more spiky hair.
I put my hands up in a fighting position.
"Oh,I feel so good"-He said again in his chilly voice as he put his hands up too.

I got into a fighting stance and quickly muttered-"I'm excited as hell and I'm presuming that you are too"
He gave me a slight nod and got into his fighting stance too.
I was preparing to charge him when an arm got put in front of me.
"Y/N,let me fight this one"-Grandpa Goku said to me with a completely serious face.
My eyes glew in excitment as it had been years since I had seen Goku in action.
And this was going to be Goku v Goku.

They both charged up with Goku charging up to Super Sayian 2 and Black Goku raising his energy about 70 fold what it was originally.
Goku charged Black with immense speed and power and upon contact shockwaves were sent around the area where the fight was commencing.
The mountains shattered in half as Goku quickly overwhelmed his dark counterpart.

Black's power was rising worriyingly quick until it dwarfed that of Ssj2 Goku.


A white aura engulfed me as Black was punched in the head with a powerful smash.
"Haaaaaa"-Still in my base form I rose my power to massive amounts.
Black's eyes widened as he stared at me shocked.
"How could...a morta..."-He was cut off as his body started pulling itself.
His body suddenly flew past everyone until he got sucked into a black hole in the distance which we hadn't noticed prior to this.

"Sorry"-I said to a whining Goku-"but he seemed too dangerous and also...that ring...he's from a different timeline if that ring is the same one that Whis had told me about"
"Trunks"-Vegeta muttered under his breath.
"What about him dad"-Bulla asked reminding everyone in the vicinity of her existence.
"He means the future one"-Goku made an observation.
"The future...ah...I thought that was just fairytales which mom told me about"-Bulla said to herself-"Mom has a time machine if you guys want to check it out further"
"Yeah,I think we should"-I said as I closed my eyes and focused,trying to sense any hint of Black's power anywhere.
"Bulla,ask Bulma to bring the machine back into commision,Grandpa keep training with Whis and Vegeta"-I told them.
"What about you"-Vegeta asked me calmly.
"I think I'll try to tap into that power again...The Akari form that you told me of"
"The one you used against Hit"-He asked with a worried expression on his face-"Last time that broke your body didn't it"
"Yes,but Goku Black is very worriying,I think it's needed"-I told Vegeta and sat on the ground.

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