Chapter 8

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I punch Freeza staright on the face.
He gets pushed away but then I elbow him and finally kneel him in the stomach.
"Hua"-I screamed as I released another mass of energy and rushed Freeza kneeing him and then punching him multiple times and dodging a few of his attacks.
We continued fighting like so me dodging some of his attacks and trying to punch him.
A few minutes passed like that when I broke off and I laughed again.
"Have you gone insane,for real this time"-He asked-"Have I beaten the sanity off of you"-He said as he laughed.
"No"-I said as I laughed and my red hair turned back to my normal black one.
"Let me show"-I said as I started charging up everything I still had in me-"The true power"
I screamed as I pulled my head back and my body up front and I flickered through all my forms inside my mind.
"Of a"-I screamed as I hunched forward and I finally stopped for a moment and stayed normal for a moment when
"Haaaaaaa"-I screamed in two voices and finally calmed down as my hair had turned gold.
And then it shattered like glass and revealed a blinding blue color.
I looked around myself to observe the new form.
"True Saiyan"-I finished saying and he gasped as I teleported near him and kicked him into a mountain.
I had a blue aura around me and I felt stronger than ever.
While I was observing myself Freeza tried punching me but my body moved by itself away from the way.
Then I kneeded him in the stomach while he was charging horizontally and then positioned myself under him grabbing him and throwing him away.
I smiled at my opponent and waited for him to charge me and he did but I just blocked every single one of his punches.
Finally my blue aura fell off as I got costumed to this new form.
I looked to the ground and then Freeza and moved quick everywhere punching and kicking Freeza around like it was nothing.
"Alright"-He said as he escaped one of my punches-"Enough Monkey"
"Haaaaaaa"-I heard a massive scream as Freeza went in a rage and tried hitting me but I dodged barely and I blocked most of his attacks.
"Alright,Time to end this"-I said to Freeza as I kicked him into a mountain and I released a ton of energy.
"KA"-I said as I got into position-"ME"-I continued as the blast got bigger-"HA"-I kept going as Freeza couldn't move-"ME"-I charged it even more when I said-"This is for my GrandpaAAAAAAA"-And I released the blast overtaking Freeza and killing him on the spot.
I felt tired so I went out of Super Saiyan 'Blue' and moved down.
Freeza was finally dead.

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