Chapter 7

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"How-did you"-I asked.
"I trained for once"-He explained.
"Oh"-I smiled-"Now it's my turn"
"HAAAAAA"-I screamed as my hair started longer.
"HAAAAAAAAA"-I continued screaming as I moved my head drastically and my hair flickered to yellow and then back and my tail got a red color and I finally transformed into a Super Saiyan 4.
"Is this your maximum power"-Freeza asked as I nodded.
"Well,I'm still stronger than you"-He explained as he laughed a little.
"Let's see how they compare,Whis"-Beerus said to his attendant.
Freeza rushed me and kicked me on my head as I flew into the ground.
I got up and then attacked him with punches and kicks which he all blocked effortlessly.
"You are strong"-I said as I stopped attacking him for a second.
Then I blocked one of his attacks.
Then I charged up and kicked him in the stomach pushing him a little but I followed up by a quick punch to the stomach and then two kicks which he all felt,I waited for a second and laughed.
"What happened,did you go insane"-Freeza asked me.
"No,I was just holding back"-I explained.
"Then show me"-He ordered.
"Fine"-I said as I clenched my fist and just screamed.
"Ha"-My hair turned normal and then red.
"This is my full power"-I explained to Freeza.
"Oh"-He gasped.
"Round two Freeza"-I said as I rushed him and punched him in the face and then kicked and punched him about a hundred times and finally blasted him with a energy wave.
Then I felt a dim weight near my tail.
I was knocked out.
Freeza had caught my tail.
He threw me towards the guys as I blacked out.
A few minutes passed and I all I saw was darkness when something inside me clicked.
"HYAAAA-I screamed as I regained consciousness and rushed to Freeza.

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