Chapter 20

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He immediately got into his fighting stance as I kicked him,he blocked my kick and pushed my leg away,I regained my footing and I was now fired up shooting my Ki up.
"What in the..."-The green Kaio who I recognized to either be Gowasu or Zamasu said.
"BASTARD"-I screamed at him as I charged him once more.
I punched him and this time he also blocked and tried pushing my arm away.
But as he was pushing my arm away I went into position to kick him and I made contact sending the green kaio flying.
"Beerus,its him"-I told him as he stepped in front of me.
"Oi,Gowasu,sorry about that,I'll teach him manners later"-Beerus screamed out and proceeded to explain everything,Gowasu was a bit protective over Zamasu but after Whis showing him what Zamasu would have done he allowed Beerus to approach him.
"What...master,'s all a lie...please"-Zamasu pleaded as Beerus grabbed his arm and broke it,the crack of the bones was hard and it echoed throughout the world as Zamasu screamed in pain.
Beerus fired his ki up and with a swift motion of his hand.

Zamasu's body started disentigrating into thin air until nothing was left of him.
"How...why did he"-Gowasu started questioning everything.
"Next time be more careful of who you choose as your succesor"-Beerus explained quickly as he walked away from where he had just destroyed the kai.
"I apologize destroyer"-Gowasu said with a slight bow.
"Whis,we'll be off"-Beerus ordered to Whis as the latter formed a cube.
"Goodbye Gowasu,I apologize"-I said as everyone hopped into the cube.

As the cube dissentegrated into thin air and all three of us touched down to the ground everyone had made preperations for the time machine.
Beerus started protesting and he quickly approached Future Bulla and S/N with destruction in his eyes.
"Hey,back off"-I said to Beerus as I stood in front of S/N and Future Bulla.
"The time cracks that they created,they are the reason that people like Zamasu can do what they do"-Beerus tried explaining.
"Are you blaming them for Zamasu"-I shot back at Beerus as I turned my back to him and everyone started boarding the time machine.
Beerus was a bit awestruck at the comment and he stopped speaking.
"Fine"-He said once.

"Hey uncle Goten"-I shouted at him-"Could you go and get senzu beans for us"
He nodded and flew off.
"Dad,you're there to protect civilians"-I explained to him-"Trunks,same duty"-They both nodded and boarded the time machine which had now been expanded to fit around 30 people.
"Pan,you,grandpa and Vegeta are with me"-I said to all of them and they all nodded besides Vegeta who just scoffed at me.
"I don't see why you're the leader of our group anymore"-Vegeta said annoyingly-"Because Vegeta,I'm Goku if he wasn't a manchild"
"Heyyyy"-Goku whined and I chuckled at him.
"What about me"-Present Bulla asked me.
"You're staying back"-I said with Vegeta backing up my statement.
"Why"-She asked.
"Because I said so"-I told her and she protested again-"Give me one valid reason"

"Fine..."-I said as a shadow befell over my face-"I just don't wanna hurt...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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