Chapter 2

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"Vegeta..."-Vegeta said.
"No actually it's Y/N,he migt put up a better fight"-Whis said to us as we got into the formation and after a few minutes I was looking towards Beerus as my hair were burning red and I'd lost a few pounds.
"Show me what you got"-Beerus said as he got into a fighting position.
"Fine"-I said as I got into my fighting position and charged up as my overshirt broke off and I was left just on my blue one.
I rushed towards Beerus and kicked him in the head,then dissapeared and reappeared near him punching him straight on the back.
He then got his footing back and punched me in my gut making me spit blood and then punched me near my eye and a couple of times in my face and finally kicked me straight into a mountain.
"Alright"-I said as I got out of the rock formation-"Im pumped for this now"
He smiled and rushed me again but this time I effortlessly dodged his attack by moving sideways and kicking him in the stomach making him fly up in the air when I appeared up there and kicked him back down and got my hands back,concentrated and screamed-"Ka-Me-Ha-Me"-I aimed my hands as the blue blast got bigger and took a reddish tint to it-"HA"-I finally screamed as the blast got released.
The blast overtook my line of vision so I was only hoping that I would have won but a few minutes passed when I felt a massie power behind me and I saw it was Beerus,with not a single scratch on him.
"H-Ho-How"-I asked as he put his hands up on the air and screamed-"Take this"
'oh come on'-I thought to mysef as I got ready to deflect everything which came my way.
The blast had a purple colour and looked like Freeza's death ball.
"Alright"-I said as I completely concentrated getting serious.
I flew up a little bit as he released the blast and I got ready to deflect it.
"H-H-Kch-Kch"-Random sounds were escaping my mouth as I was struggling to even slow it down.
It was slowly overtaking my body as I struggled even more,I guessed he was pushing as well.
"Tch-Ty-Ugh-Kcha"-More sounds escaped me as the blast finally overtook me.
I smiled a little as I accepted my fate but...I still hadn't finished my life yet.
"HAAAAAAA"-I screamed in the middle of the blast as it started shattering away.
I saw visions of a great ape,a teenager,a kid and finally a baby as I figured out that,that was me.
I'm stilla teen,I'm only eighteen and I wasn't going to die yet.
"You have quite the spirit Y/N"-Beerus said as I looked up to him.

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