Chapter 10

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I was holding on to Uub who was starting to calm down as I looked towards Vegeta and Hit's fight.
Vegeta had already bumped it up to Super Saiyan 3 and was competing fairly with Hit who was moving too quick for him.
A smirk went across my face as I realised what was happening when Uub finally had fully calmed down.
I released him and looked towards the fight.
Hit hit Vegeta in the face making a purple beam shoot through.
Then Vegeta went Super Saiyan 4 and tried fighting back but Hit was too much of a challenge for Vegeta who quickly bumped his power to maximum and he tried staying in the fight.
I finally could get a good look on the fight as Vegeta kicked Hit and evaded one of his seemingly deadly attacks.
Vegeta than smiled and released more power than I had ever seen him release and he made a good effort to stand but Hit threw a barrage of deadly punches to Vegeta and Vegeta got knocked out.
I got Vegeta and flew him up to the stands and jumped down to face Hit.
"Alright"-I said to the wierd looking creature.
"Let me test this"-I said to myself under my breath and rushed Hit.
I saw him trying to throw a punch as I rolled out of the way mid-air and landed on the ground.
Then he rushed me and punched me and I blocked his attack but that still hurt like hell.
I got pushed away a little but my arms looked worned out.
"Ha"-I screamed a little as I spin kicked him and evaded in the same second and what I thought happened,he tried punching in the same position I kicked him.
Then I tackled him and jumped up in the air spinning and landing to the ground as Hit got up too.
"Why don't you turn to the form your friend did"-He asked me.
"Oh"-I said-"Waiting a little"
"Why are you holding back"-He said as he stopped for a second-"You know I can kill you with the speed I have"
I laughed a little-"Yeah"-I said as I knew he was lying about the speed thing but didn't mention it.
I got back into my fighting stance as Hit rushed me with his skipping movement and tried punching me in my head but I barely evaded when I felt a massive weight to my stomach as I spit out blood and a purple beam shot out of my stomach.
"Alright Hit"-I said to the Assassin.
"Time to get serious"-I told him as I turned Super Saiyan 2.
I rushed to him and pushed his hand away from jabbing me and then jumped behind him blasting him with an energy wave.
"Quite Impressive"-He said as he turned around.
"Let me show you more"-I said to him as I rushed him and kicked him on the head and then spun around evading his attack and punched him on the arm triggering the muscle movement as he tried punching automatically.
I pushed myself away mid-air and I looked toward my opponent who was already up in my face and punched me straight in my chin.
I got pushed away and sighed as I had learned of both of his skills-Automatic Muscle Spasm Punch and Time Skip.
"Alright time to step it up a notch"-I said as I went Super Saiyan 3.
I dissapeared near him and kicked him away but this didn't give fruition as he turned around immediately and punched me.
"Kha"-I made a noise as I bled from my mouth.
"Hit,let me show you something"-I said as I backflipped twice away from him.
"I'm going to give you a walkthrough of every single saiyan form achieveable to this point"-I told him.
"This is Super Saiyan 1"-I said to him as my hair went up and became golden-"This is Super Saiyan 2"-I said as my hair spiked more and electricity was flowing near me.
"This is three"-I said as my hair grew abnormally large and I quickly turned back to normal-"This is 4"-I told him as I turned to the black haired form and quickly turned back to normal and clenched my fist near my chest-"And this is god"-I said as I harnessed my god ki and turned my hair red.
"This is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan"-I said as my hair went up and turned blue.
"Now there is one abnormality"-I told him as I went back to base.
"The Super Saiyan 1"-I kept talking and Hit was listening.
"There are four grades to it"-I told him"-Grade 1 which you see here gives you a 50X multiplier,takes up some stamina and is for the most part uncontrollable"-I told him-"This is Grade 2,it's a 60X multiplier and a little bit more controllable,also a little more stamina friendly"-I told him as my Aura grew and I became bulkier-"This is Grade 3,it gives you an 80X multiplier but not stamina friendly and also very slow"-I explained as my body went less bulkier and more like my Grade 1-"This is Grade 4,It gives a 75X multiplier,yeah less weaker then Grade 3 but more stamina friendly and way quicker"
"Now if you were paying attention I told you that Super Saiyan Blue is Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan,But it's Super Saiyan Grade 1,so let me show you,what happens when you mix super saiyan Grade 4 with Super Saiyan God"
"HAAAAAAA"-I screamed as my hair turned gold and then red and then blue.
The blue aura was staying on me and I looked towards Hit.
"This is the fruiton of my training"-I said to Hit as my power had gone 125,000 fold,this was Godly.

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