Chapter 1

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First Person POV
"Hya"-I screamed as I blasted Vegeta.
He barely dodged and landed saying-"Fine,that's enough"-I nodded and rested since we had been fighting for a few hours.
"You wanna know something Y/N,you are becoming better than your grandpa"-Vegeta said-"And your pride as a saiyan is on peak"-I laughed a little as he sat down near a rock.
"Thanks"-I said to him as I fell back on a rock.
"Imma go now if thats okay"-I said after a few minutes of silence.
He nodded and I instant transmissioned to Dad.
"Hey dad"-I said to him as he got terrified for a moment.
"Sheesh Y/N you scared the living soul out of me"-He said as he sat down on a chair.
"Oh,your back honey"-Mother says as she sits down putting down some food.
A good few hours passed as I just ate and rested when I felt a massive pressure from somewhere.
"Y/N Can you hear me"-I had the familiar voice of King Kai said to me.
"Oh yeah hi King Kai"-I said with a very loud voice as mom screeched a little.
"Hold on,talking to god"-I said to mom as she calmed down and nodded-"Whatsup"
"The Destroyer Beerus is coming to Earth in serch of the Super Saiyan God"-King Kai said to me in a very worried tone.
"Super Saiyan God,Super Saiyan God?"-I was a little confused-"It rings a bell back there just not a noticeable one"
"Wait was that massive pressure him"-I asked.
I instant transmissioned there.
A wierd cat man who I assumed was Beerus was flying in the air just looking over the world.
He turned around and backed off a good feet,I guess I scared him too.
"Don't fight him"-King Kai screamed.
"Hello,you must be Beerus"-I said as I bowed down to him.
"Whis,what is he"-Beerus asked to the person who looked like an attendant.
"A saiyan my lord"-Whis said to Beerus and he nodded.
"A saiyan with manners huh"-He smiled-"It's a collecters item"
I looked to him as he got a darker tone to his voice.
"Are you the Super Saiyan God"-Beerus asked me and I knew I had to answer seriously.
"No sir,I haven't heard of a Super Saiyan God nor am I one"-I said as I continued quickly-"I am horribly sorry to dissapoint you my lord"
"Well your manners are good so I will sapre this planet for now but I want a fight"-He explained.
"Either get me the Super Saiyan God in two hours or get destroyed,until then I will just go around eating,my friend here"-Beerus said as he gestured towards Whis-"Can help you"
An hour passed and I had learned of the legend from Dende.
"Fine"-I said-"So who's it"-I asked.
"I want the strongest and most potent one"-Beerus said from the sidelines.
"Well the strongets one is Vegeta but Y/N is the most potent"-Dad said.
"Fine decide already"-Beerus said as he got up.
"Fine the Super Saiyan God is...

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