Wrong Number / 2p America

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Allen: No need to apologise doll
Allen: He doesn't talk shit, and he doesn't hate you
Allen: He actually talks about you a lot, all nice stuff tho

You: oh okay

Allen: You stress too much

You: Yes I do
You: Its the anxiety

Allen: Damn dude
Allen: do you need a hug?

You: Maybe..

Allen: Awee
Allen: Let's go have lunch, and I'll give you a biiiig hug and we can talk about emotions

You: ew
You: Feelings

Allen: This is why you are my best friend lmao

January 20 20XX
14: 20

You: wanna go out to lunch?

Allen: Can't today
Aellen: I'm at work

You: I didn't know you had a job
You: I took you for someone who leeches oof everyone.

Allen: You think so little of me

You: What do you do for work?

Allen: You'll make fun of me

You: No I won't

Allen: Promise?

You: Yes

Allen: You can't tell anyone, it would ruin my rep

You: I won't. It will stay between us only.

Allen: I'm trusting you
Allen: I couch for a little league baseball team

You: Are you for real?

Allen: ...yes...

You: Thats honestly fucking adorable

Allen: Shut up

February 12 20XX

Allen: Hey doll
Allen: have any plans for Valentine's day?

You: I was going to help Oliver with his "Day of Love" bake sale

Allen: damn, I was hoping you'd come over to my house

You: Al, I trust you and all but no

Allen: Not even for a little bit?

You: Not even for a a minute
You: Don't out have a gf to spend the day with?

Allen: No
Allen: You know I don't.

You: Well why don't you help out with the bake sale?

Allen: Because Oliver is too happy.

You: Well feel free to join in if you want

February 14 20XX

You: What the fuck is this?
You: *Image sent*

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