Wrong Number / 2p America

Start from the beginning

Unknown: How sweet!
Unknown: You two must be good friends!

You: Not really. He just messaged the wrong number and I happened to be the one to answer.

Unknown: Well that's a shame :/
Unknown: Anyhow, thank you greatly for helping him.

You: It's no problem!

Unknown: I'm going to save your number if that's alright. Maybe you could stop by my bakery sometime.

You: That's alright, May I ask your name though lol.

Unknown: Oh! Where are my manners?
Unknown: I'm Oliver Kirkland.

You: (first name) (last name)

Unknown: It's lovely to meet you, But I should go and take care of Allen now.
Unknown: Bye Bye poppet!

You: Bye Bye Oliver!

December 15 20XX

Unknown: Uhh Hey
Unknown: I just wanted to say thanks for the other night

You: Np dude

Unknown: I'm also sorry for say that stuff to you.

You: Oliver lectured you, didn't he?

Unknown: yeaaa
Unknown: Also
Unknown: You and Oliver are like friends now??

You: Yep
You: He's really nice to talk to.

Unknown: Wow
Unknown: Well then

You: It's kinda unexpected ik

Unknown: Oliver said I should take you to lunch
Unknown: To make up for my behavior or whatever.

You: Lmao are you srsly going to take me to lunch bc your older brother said to?

Unknown: Yes
Unknown: He's holding a knife to my throat
Unknown: I don't want to make him mad

You: Okay lol
You: My lunch break is at 14:30 till 15:00

Unknown: Awesome!
Unknown: So let met at Oliver's.

You: Okay.
You: See you there.

Unknown: Yep.

December 15 20XX

Unknown: I have a feeling we'll be taking a lot more now :)

You: As do I :)

★You set Unknown's name To 'Allen'★

January 17 20XX

You: Does Oliver talk about me?
You: Like, at all?

Allen: Does someone have a crush~

You: No
You: I have anxiety

Allen: Honestly same

You: I just feel like Oliver hates me, and maybe he talks shit..
You: It's stupid
You: I'm sorry

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