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[so the events that are happening now are just itty bitty time skips that will lead up to a mini event between family and new friends, I wonder how that'll play.]

Scarlett sighed as she finally left the hospital to meet up with her friends and boyfriend curious on what they had in store for her.

"Scarlett!" Audrey said hugging her, "You're better!"

Allison chuckled and wrapped her arm around her neck, "We wanna properly celebrate your birthday."

"Yeah! C'mon!" Audrey pulled onto her arm.

Scarlett followed behind them with a small smile, her curiosity had gotten the best of her.

She stopped as she gripped her arm tightly, tears streaming as she backed away from her friends.

"Hey. . ." Allison stopped as she looked for Scarlett, "Audrey?"

"Yeah big sis?" Audrey asked

"Where's Scarlett?"

"I don't know. I'll go find her you go meet up with everyone else."

Allison nodded as she went on up to meet up with the others.

Audrey ran off in hopes to find Scarlett, this wasn't like her to up and leave without saying a word.

"Allison, where's Audrey and Scarlett?" Logan asked as he met face with the older twin

"Audrey went to go look for Scarlett," She said looking at him, "Something might have happened to her."

"Maybe we should go help. . ."

"I think my sister can handle herself alone, if she doesn't come back with Scarlett then we'll go look."

Logan nodded as worry sat on his face thinking about what Scarlett had said back at the hospital.

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