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Arlette had woken up with a stir as if she heard Jay's voice telling her to be careful.

Tears were streaming down her face onto a open wound found on her wing.

She was scared, Jay was gone and she knew he would get hurt.

"Ssshush my dear." A calming hand was placed onto her beak, "He'll be safe."

That hand, she knew who it was but was too scared to notice.

"Sssweetie, it'sss me Hera. Do you remember me at all?"

"H-Hera? What are you doing here?" She sniffled softly.

"I wasss called here by your grandfather, he wantsss me to protect you."

A fallen serpentine, a friend nonetheless was watching her.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

Hera chuckled softly nuzzling her softly, "It'sss quite alright."

"You're jussst worried isss all, and I underssstand that ssso well."

She blinked softly before resting her head on the snake's hand, "You do?"

"Of courssse I do, I have family back at home and I really do misss them."

"I'm afraid of losing my family and my friends. They mean so much to me."

"You won't lossse them my dear."

She looked away with a frown, she knew Hera was right but in the end she couldn't help but think so lowly.

"Ssstop thinking like that, it'sss not worth it."

"I-I'm sorry, I can't help it."

"Lisssten, I'm here for you no matter what happens."

That made her smile, knowing she had a friend to keep her spirits up.

"Thank you for being here with me Hera."

"Of courssse my dear friend, you need this."

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