#2: Missing pt1

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With a small sigh the woman had awoken in a unfamiliar room, panic written all over her face as feathers fell.

"WHERE AM I?!" She screamed trying to break out of the bird cage she was in, "Where's my husband? My friends?"

"I see the little birdie has awaken," A voice echoed from behind her. "And it seems she wants to be free."

"Let. Me. Go." Her voice picked up, "And who are you?"

"Oh so the little birdie has forgotten?"

That voice had made her quickly tense up without a doubt.

"Don't tell me... It.. It can't be you Morro!" She looked up, "What do you want from me?!"

"You know what I want little birdie," He said with a smirk "And I'll get it even if it means hurting you."

Together [Lloyd x OC]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα