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Module Name: Tettey-Terettey

Real Name: Phemie Ball (the real first name was TammyChan180's idea. The real last name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: ボーカロイドたちがただテッテーテレッテーするだけ

Romaji: Vocaloid Tachi ga Tada Tettee Terettee Suru Dake

Nickname(s): Tettey

Date Of Birth: December 30, 2004

Age: 19

Sexuality: Lesbian

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Monkey

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Designer: GYARI

Known Relationships/Family:

Vi Gopal/One's True Colors Rin (girlfriend) (November 7, 2022)

Occupation: College student (she's currently a freshman) 

Specific Song: Tettey-Terettey

Song Producer: GYARI

Specific Song Anniversary: December 30, 2015

Fun Facts:

- How did these  friends first meet? These friends started out as Internet friends who met on Twitter, and since they found out they all live in the same city, they got to see each other in person, and find out their real names. Cherise is Fern and Nate's worst victim. She keeps getting sent random stuff by them, and most of them are things with no context behind them.

- Phemie is a bass player, and she likes to share her abilities on her profile. She wants to excel in her hobby one day.

- When she texts her friend group, she puts a lot of emojis in her texts. She abbreviates a lot of things (such as idk, hru, ttyl, etc.) and she starts typing in all caps and gibberish to express laughter. She is just the kind of girl who follows conversations like a little duckling.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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