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Module Name: Vocalonation

Real Name: Celine Valencia (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Nickname(s): Nation

Date Of Birth: July 6, 2005

Age: 19

Sexuality: Lesbian

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Rooster

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 118 lbs.

Designer: Hidari

Known Relationships/Family:

Ursula Valencia/Ultimate Miku (older sister)

Amara Valencia/Vocalofuture Miku (older sister)

Janelle Valencia/V Love 25 -Imagination- Miku (older sister)

Vesna Valencia/V Love 25 -Exclamation- Miku (older sister)

Tenleigh Valencia/V Love 25 - Hearts- Miku (older sister)

Alyssa Larson/Alparka Hoodie R (girlfriend) (April 10, 2022)

Occupation: College student (she's currently a freshman)

Specific Album: Vocalonation

Album Producers: 40mP, cosMo, daniwell, E.L.V.N, EasyPop, GYARI, halyosy, Natsu-P, yanagi-P, YM, Onyuu-P, Kuchibashi-P, Jesus-P, Hachi, Pinocchio-P, Machigerita-P, Yucha-P, Live-P, & Kurousa-P

Specific Album Anniversary: July 6, 2011

Fun Facts:

- How did these 8 friends first meet? It all started when Celine was at the water park, and she didn't have anyone to slide with, so in her 4 person tube, June and Logan behind and Sarah in front of her asked if she needed riding partners. So on the tube, they all rode down the slide.

- Because Orval is actually a lifeguard at that water park, he found a liking towards these modules. So he pretty much enjoying serving them. When Celine was going to get ice cream, she sat at a table alone, and Marty, Shaquila, and Peggy sat with her. Those three also became friends at that same park. They sat there because all the other seats were taken. This fateful experience was how Celine even got these friends in the first place.

- Celine is still living with her parents. She is unsure what she wants to do for her future, but she sure wants to be successful like her sisters.

See you guys in the next chapter!

Basic Info About The Miku Modules Part 2Where stories live. Discover now