Electric Angel

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Module Name: Electric Angel

Real Name: Electra Ocampo (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ

Nickname(s): Electric

Date Of Birth: October 10, 2004

Age: 19

Sexuality: Questioning

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Monkey

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 116 lbs.

Designer: agatha

Known Relationships/Family:

Starr Houle/Vocalospace Rin (girlfriend) (November 17, 2022)

Kids With Haou:

Kelley Ocampo (son) (born December 9th, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Alyssa Ocampo (daughter) (born December 9th, 2021) (currently in Monokuro)

Occupation: College student (she's currently a freshman)

Specific Song: Electric Angel (the Project Mirai DX version)

Song Producer: Yasuo

Specific Song Anniversary: October 10, 2007

Game Debut: Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX

Fun Facts:

- This Miku module and The Straight-Faced Science Girl Len (or his real name Donovan Mangold) are birthday twins.

- Electra likes to watch sports on TV, and reenact the moves of her favorite players. It's cheesy, but good exercise.

- Her dad is a diabetic. He didn't take good care of himself, so he has to be extra careful.

- She and her friend, Sugar Soldier, live in the same apartment together.

- How did these 3 friends first meet? Electra and Eden have been good friends since elementary school. They basically were in a class together, and they bonded within a short time. In that same school, Persephone went to it. So one day, during field day at the school, they were competing against her in a tug-of-war challenge. They beat her, but they all had a good laugh in the end.

- Later that day, Persephone thanked Electra and Eden for playing with her, and that she wants to be friends. So, that's how it all began.

And here's the specific song.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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