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Module Name: Detector

Real Name: Yareli Raya (the real first name was TammyChan180's idea. The real last name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Nickname(s): None

Date Of Birth: April 28, 2002

Age: 22

Sexuality: Lesbian

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Horse

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 132 lbs.

Designer: BUZZ

Known Relationships/Family:

Nadia Raya (mother) (born June 16th, 1974)

Korren Raya (father) (born December 4th, 1973)

Ahmed Raya (older brother) (born October 15, 1997)

Isadora Lokey (girlfriend) (November 6, 2022)

Occupation: College student (she's currently a senior)

Specific Album: Detector

Album Producer: Signal-P

Specific Album Anniversary: April 28, 2012

Fun Facts:

- This Miku module and Star (or her real name Sierra Onassis) are birthday twins.

- How did these 4 friends first meet? Detector Rin (or her real name Hadlee Fields) and Detector Len (or his real name Dallas Fields) were the ones who met Detector Miku (or her real name Yareli Raya) in one class, and Detector Gumi (or her real name Zoya Pushkin) in another via school projects. The four of them had been good friends since then.

- Yareli has had a history of not being confident with her body. When she was younger, she was plus-sized, and she would often get laughed at in school over it. Her parents always told her that her weight does not define her, but she didn't listen. She did everything to lose weight, and once when she was in middle school, she developed a sickness from overwork. It caused her to not be able to eat very much, and she lost 40 pounds over the course of a month. Therefore, she became skinny.

- She still doesn't eat a lot every day because her stomach is not as strong as it used to be, so she can't gain her weight back. It hadn't gotten much better for her. People make fun of her because she's skinny, and they usually call her a stick. But she can't help the way she looks. But her friends accept her, although she is in danger of becoming underweight.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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