Torabotic Symphony

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Module Name: Torabotic Symphony

Real Name: Panthea Richter (the real first name was TammyChan180's idea. The real last name was yukicleopatra's idea).

Japanese: トラボティック・シンフォニー

Nickname(s): Tora

Date Of Birth: June 5, 2002

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Horse

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 149 lbs.

Designer: Nagimiso

Known Relationships/Family:

Satoshi Kataoka/Revolution Rin (boyfriend) (April 19, 2022)

Occupation: College student (she's currently a senior)

Specific Album: Torabotic Symphony

Album Producer: Travolta-P

Specific Album Anniversary: June 5, 2013

Fun Facts:

- These three friends have been best friends since middle school, in music class.

- Panthea likes to play the violin, but she's not very confident in her talent. She's afraid to be doubted by her peers, so she usually hides it. She also has social anxiety, so she isn't the best at talking to anybody besides her only friends and family. 

- She is taking college classes for three days a week, and for the remaining days, those are her off days. She doesn't have a job, she doesn't have her own place to live, and she can't drive, so she rides in her parents' car or takes the bus for destinations.

- She hopes that when she turns 20, she will be able to get a car to drive herself to her college and future job.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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