Phantom Thief Miku

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Module Name: Phantom Thief Miku

Real Name: Brandi Vicks (the real name was TammyChan180's idea).

Japanese: Phantom Thief ミク

Nickname(s): Phantom

Date Of Birth: December 19, 1999

Age: 24

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Rabbit

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 90 lbs.

Designer: booota

Known Relationships/Family:

Chiara Vicks (mother, deceased) (July 3rd, 1973-December 19th, 1999)

Luke Vicks (father) (born March 29th, 1972)

Connor Vicks (maternal uncle) (born October 17th, 1975)

Jaime Vicks (maternal aunt) (born February 3rd, 1976)

Darlene Vicks (cousin) (born June 1st, 2003)

Paris Vicks (cousin) (born November 12th, 2004)

Mary Belle Vicks (paternal aunt) (born December 27th, 1970)

Seth Vicks (paternal uncle) (born January 17th, 1971)

Debra Vicks (cousin) (born September 23rd, 1994)

Stanford Vicks (cousin) (born March 6th, 1996)

Nigel Vicks (cousin) (born July 10th, 1998)

Kailey Vicks (paternal aunt) (born April 26th, 1974)

Leroy Vicks (paternal uncle) (born November 28th, 1975)

Josey Vicks (cousin) (born April 3rd, 2000)

Finn Hightower/Fraud Casino Len (boyfriend) (December 19, 2020)

Otome Tsukiyo/Maiden Of The Moonlit Len (boyfriend) (November 25, 2021)

Lena Tsukiyo-Hightower (daughter, with Otome) (born April 1st, 2024)

Caige Tsukiyo-Hightower (daughter, with Otome) (born April 1st, 2024)

Aurelius Vicks-Tsukiyo (son, with Otome) (born April 20th, 2024)

Crystal Vicks-Tsukiyo (daughter, with Otome) (born July 10th, 2024)

Vegas Tsukiyo-Hightower (son, with Otome) (born July 10th, 2024)

Occupation: Thief

Specific Song: PianoxFortexScandal

Song Producer: OSTER Project

Specific Song Anniversary: December 19, 2008

Game Debut: Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX

Background Story:

- When Brandi was born, her mom died from the pain, and Brandi was taken in by her drug dealing aunt and uncle. Brandi had the most spoiled life ever. She got influenced by her guardians to do horrible things to the city like steal things and do drugs in front of people. Therefore, Brandi dropped out when she was in middle school, thus has a lousy education history. Because of how she was raised, she moved out of her house at age 14 to continue her life by herself.

- When Brandi was 16, she met Phantom Thief Kaito (or his real name Thaddeus Oakley) and Phantom Thief Meiko (or her real name Thelma Friyodiem). Brandi was astonished by their actions, and just had to join them right away. Brandi became great friends with them. Shortly after she joined, Phantom Thief Rin (or her real name Penny Tilliospie) joined as well. Together, they all wreak havoc through the module city. The Phantom Thieves are like extended family members to Brandi.

Fun Facts:

- This Miku module and Meltdown #2 (or her real name Venus Yoder) are birthday twins.

- Piano x Forte x Scandal, Pink Moon, and Meltdown all share the same song anniversary.

- She's not underweight because she starves herself. It's because she is a frequent runner. I mean, if she were to go through something traumatic, THEN she would starve herself.

- She swears like people like Dancer and Punk. Her famous catchphrase is "Fucking hell!".

- She easily gets attached to soft objects.

- She's the kind of person to not be able to tell the difference between alligators and crocodiles; that's how dumb she is.

- When she's upset, she causes a HUGE scene.

- Brandi's special keepsake is her little music box. It's initialed B.R.V. at the front, standing for her full name. It was a gift from her grandfather. Not once has she said what her middle name is. She probably NEVER will. However, she did tell her middle name to Otome. Her full name is Brandi Rallison Vicks.

- Her favorite game series is the GTA games. She finds it funny to steal cars all day.

- Her favorite alcoholic beverage is Moonshine.

- Brandi's favorite colors are pink and black.

- She was once called Vicks VapoRub. She found it funny, but gets annoyed when the joke is repeated.

- The Phantom Thieves won't steal from anybody that's their friend. Brandi is the easiest to befriend, but that doesn't mean it is easy to become friends with her. It takes time to develop a friendship with her.

And here's the specific song.

See you guys in the next chapter!

Basic Info About The Miku Modules Part 2Where stories live. Discover now