(4) He's the main actor

Start from the beginning

Not that. I had been avoiding this topic in forever and now they had brought it up again. Dad called after dinner yesterday, the conversation was one sided. I could only agree at everything he said. He was asking about how was I finding London and I answered robotically. The conversation was going on painstakingly well until he mentioned Martha and the kids. Apparently they were missing me already and also wanted to talk. I made an excuse that mom was calling me downstairs to help with the dishes and disconnected the call.

Mom was a completely different story. Forget about the dishes but she never let me do anything in the house. Every time I offered help she would smile and ask me to rest. It was annoying and furtive and made me feel like an old woman with half of her bones broken. I didn't argue of course, I feared it would upset her and she would start feeling uncomfortable with me in the house. The last thing I needed was to intrude.

''Er, yeah we talked last night,'' I replied tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, ''um he asked about life here and stuff.'' Neither Daniel nor Carmen asked me to elaborate that and I was glad when they changed the topic.

''So are you excited about school?'' Carmen asked, her expression had suddenly changed now and the awkwardness that had hung around us had subsided.

''Yeah, I can't wait for it. I'm kind sick sitting around at home.''

''I would rather stay at home.'' Daniel whined again.

''Hey, stop being so negative...'' Carmen was saying and I chuckled, they were going at it again. I finished my ice cream and suddenly felt a prickly sensation at the back of my neck, looking up I saw someone watching us.

It was a guy our age - dark brown hair, eyes hidden behind shades and a smirk held on his perfectly angular face. His girl friend was hanging around his neck, whispering something in his ear but he wasn't listening since he was busy leering us.

A minute later his girlfriend walked inside the ice cream parlor while he lingered behind and gave her a million dollar smile. Once she was gone he looked back at us and a second later started walking to our table leisurely.

''Carmen, why is that random stranger coming here?'' I whispered breaking their argument. Carmen glanced up and her face twisted in a scowl, Daniel mimicked that expression.

''Ally, no matter how handsome that donkey looks, do not talk to him nicely.'' Daniel whispered to me as the guy drew closer.

''It's not nice to call someone a donkey.'' I stated,

''And if he uses the 'there's a coffee shop around the street' dialogue, tell him that coffee makes you sick!'' he ignored my previous comment and went on with hushed tone.

The boy was at our table now. He took off his shades and cleared his throat. He had blue eyes - not blue like Cattermole twins - but a much darker shade. He was probably the best looking person I had seen in a while; he could have been a model or a film actor. I was unabashedly staring at his face and it wasn't until Carmen pinched me that I looked away, feeling my cheeks heat up.

''Hey there Cattermole,'' Daniel flashed him an annoyed look but didn't return his greeting, ''and uh...Cameron?''

''It's Carmen!'' she snapped, staring daggers in his eyes.

''Anyways, long time no see. Had a good summer?'' He had a sickly sweet voice, honey dripping on every word.

''We bumped into each other three weeks ago at Starbucks.'' Daniel reminded the guy, spitting venom. Was there some ill will between them? The guy didn't quite pay any attention to what he said and suddenly locked eyes with me, showing off his perfect white teeth in a wolfish grin.

Snow White and Seven Devils (rewrite)  ✅Where stories live. Discover now