(18) Anderson and Jackson

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My trip to Expresso was filled with a hollow pit in my stomach and an urge to run back home. But I knew better than that. Derrick wouldn't miss a chance to fire me if I missed a single day. He would fire me even if I was dying in the hospital. If I died, he would fire me at my funeral.

Okay, maybe that was a lot of exaggeration. But I had realized I didn't not want to go to the cafe, despite being yelled at at and despite being absolutely worst waitress ever, I liked being in that place. With those people.

With Derrick.

But that didn't stop me from feeling squeamish. When I reached the door I swallowed the lump in my throat and stood there for a little while, hiding behind the wall and hoping no one would spot me.

Unfortunately my plan failed and I let out a huge scream when someone slapped my face lightly from behind. People on the walkway stared at me like I was crazy. But I wasn't the crazy one – it was Trevor bloody Jackson who was standing behind me with a lethal grin on his face who was crazy. I put a hand on my beating heart when he closed the distance between us and looked at me with a glint in his eye. I didn't like that look.

''Y-y-yo-'' I thought Derrick was the only person that could make me stutter so badly. Or jumpy for that fact. But with Trevor there was fear and a different sort of intimidating that scared me and made me a nervous wreck.

''Are so handsome. I know,'' he drawled taking me in, I noticed he was wearing his uniform and had his badge pinned to his side, ''can't say the same about you.''

''What?'' Did I just got insulted by this wannbe gangster?

''Not a bad face Mouse, but you could do something with your hair,'' He actually had an audacity to touch my hair and twist a lock around his finger. Me on the other hand didn't dare to stop him. This close I could take in his sharp features and dark eyes, not to mention those lips that were always curved up.

''L-let me go, I need to get to work.''

''Don't worry, boss wont beat you with a stick if you're five minutes late.''

''Can't say the same about you.'' Something flashed in his eye and I put a hand on my mouth, realizing the nonsense I had just blurted. But it wasn't my fault. Every time I looked at Trevor's face, I was reminded of the screams and grunts of the guy he was beating up in that street. 

''You think I'll beat you with a stick?'' He raised his brow, and I didn't answer straight away. My words were stuck in my throat and refused to come out.

''I wont do that to my mouse. Don't wanna ruin this pretty face.'' He touched my cheek and traced it with his finger while I wished I could have belonged to a comic and had powers to teleport.

''Hmm, such a smooth skin. I like your skin mouse-''

''Ally?'' Both me and Trevor turned when Carmen's voice hit me with full force. Trevor didn't backed off while I stared at three familiar faces with horror; Carmen, Daniel and worse of all Lee.

Lee's face was white as he took me and Trevor in, while Carmen and Daniel exchanged horrid looks with each other. Okay. That was a bad spot to be in.

I tried to break away from Trevor's grip but he held me in a tight grip, sparing them a glance. He pretended not to know Lee and fixed a stare on my face as he spoke,

''Your friends? You never told me about your friends.'' He was acting like him and I knew each other for ages. I could only shook my head in response,

''G-uys I-''

''Sorry Allyson's friends, but we are having a very serious talk. If you could excuse us.'' He shot me a threatening look when I tried to break free of his grip and all the protest building up in me broke down. My friend's stares didn't change when Trevor grabbed my hand and began to lead me away; deeper inside the street and away from them.

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