Chapter 35: Guilt

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I had sent out men to search for them after Eliza had passed out hoping they'd bring back good news on their whereabouts by the time she woke up, but they hadn't.

Their trace had gone cold and came back to the pack empty handed.

My heart ached for Eliza. It was supposed to be a happy day. It was supposed to be perfect.

She met him, got to know him, fell in love with him only for her father to take him away.

On a brighter note, I was relieved to find out that her baby was still alive. The doctor's said it was a miracle, but that's what we needed right now. 

I had been by Eliza's side the whole time in the hospital since everything that had happened yesterday. The bodies of the groomsmen and the young page boys had been laid to rest and the debris and destruction of their intrusion had been cleared. All that mattered now was sending out more search parties and waiting for our Luna to awaken.

As I stared at her, I started to reflect over what had happened after Warrick was taken.

It was all my fault.

I rescued those girls and could have easily taken John out along with his men. But I didn't. I wanted to rile him up, I wanted a war that would bring together all the packs and stand beside the prophecy Luna. 

But he attacked. He was smarter than I had anticipated. Everything that happened, all those deaths were my fault.

Once Eliza was taken into hospital, I ran to the prisons that had were now unguarded due to the events and realised that the cell in which Isaac was being held in was now empty.

His mate was also nowhere to be seen. I had been foolish to think she wouldn't retaliate. Most mates tended to stick with their own no matter what. I couldn't have done that. I couldn't have stuck with Kyle after everything he did to me.

But again, my poor judgement got people killed. Because of me, our leader was gone. Because of my stupidity, Luna is alone with a baby on the way.

Letting my face fall into my hands, I cried into my palms as the reality of my actions came crashing down on top of me like a wave.

I was supposed to protect them both and I failed them.

"I failed you".


Jolting up, I looked up only to see Eliza staring straight at me with watering eyes.

"L-Luna, I'll get the doctor and"-

"No. Stay" she whispered out, her voice was hoarse and raspy as she held out her hand to me.

Knowing I could never disobey her orders, I shuffled the chair closer and placed my hand in hers.

"My baby?".

"The baby is fine".

Eliza took a deep breath and rested her head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling.

"Please tell me this is one bad dream. Tell me he's here and is waiting for me".

I had never seen her so emotionless and cold. 

"I'm sorry, I sent search parties out to look for him, but his trace has gone cold. We will keep looking. Hey! What are you doing, please lie down".

"Get the hell out of my way Brooke. I need to look for him. How did they even get here. We tightened security and"-

"It was my fault".

I could feel her eyes burning into my skull as she waited for me to elaborate.

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