Chapter Fifty One

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Aubrey wait—," I couldn't relax.

"How can she expect you to take care of her child? You aren't the one who got pregnant it's her responsibility and why you? Darius is literally the father—," she stops me before I keep going.

"I'm gonna talk to Darius. He needs to be involved in that child's life. But I think we can help her out Aubrey—," I cut her off before she finishes.

I know Kamaria has a big heart. But a baby? A baby that isn't ours? Especially Bria's?

"Baby if this is about wanting a kid of your own, I will not hesitate to get you pregnant," I tell her. "In fact we can start right n—," she cuts me off and let's out a giggle.

"No not yet Aubrey. Listen they only let women keep their baby for about a year," she tells me. "The baby didn't do anything to me."

"I know princess but the baby isn't your obligation either."

She sighs. "I know I—," I remember something.

"You also need to finish school Kamaria. I know you wanna help and I'm not against it. You just always take on a lot and I don't want you to overwork yourself."

She looks at me. "I know you're right...I'm gonna talk to Darius and see what I can negotiate."

I have Aubrey drop me back to work because my car is still there. I decided I'll stop by Darius' place and see how he's doing.

See how he feels about this new kid. I call him up to get his address.

"What's up Kam?"

"Are you home?"

"Yeah why?"

"Send me your address fool," I hang up and sure enough, he sends me the address.

I make my way to his place. On the way, I'm trying to compose what I'm going to say.

I mean what do you say? "Hey take care of your baby, it's your obligation anyways?"

No he wanted an abortion originally. Like what do I say now?

Like I understood why Darius didn't want anything to do with Bria. But the baby was my only concern. If abortion was out the picture for Bria, I wasn't sure what to do. 

I could help him if he wanted too. Adoption is an option too but this foster care system is a literal bitch and a half.

I make my way to his place and he's outside expecting me.

"Wow who knew the day would come when Kamaria Valoy is at my place," he smirks.

"Get that smirk off your face Darius," I shove him. He takes me inside and to his living room.

"Wow you're living every bachelor's dream it seems," I look around.

"Damn right and if you ever wanna be apart of my dream let me know," he winks.

I roll my eyes. "Is a baby part of this dream?"

He looks at me. "A baby? Kamaria commitment is barely part of my dream. How is a baby gonna be part of my dream?"

"Well when it's yours it'll force its way," I shrug. He looks at me and sighs. "You're talking about Bria, ain't you."

I nod. "She's...a bit distressed."

"She deserves it though," He shrugs. "I mean how can you even worry about her after everything she put y'all through."

While he did have a point, I didn't know why I was doing this. I honestly hated myself for not dropping it all. I mean if Bria wasn't pregnant, I would've beat her ass for sure. But my concern wasn't even the adults in this situation.

Prison and a baby do not go well together.

"Look you're right and I know this. But can we for once just think about the fact that this child didn't do nothing to nobody," I tell him.

"Yeah...yeah you're right."

"Thank you," I sigh. "She wants me to take care of it."

He spits his water out and looks at me with big eyes. "Take care of her responsibility?"

"Darius it's y'all responsibility. She just knows you won't help."

He rubs his hands through his hair and looks at me. "Yeah I know I just...I don't want her in my life. This kid naturally connects us."

"I get that...but she wants to keep the baby," I tell him. "And she seemed somewhat remorseful."

He looks at me. "Alright so when she gives birth it's ours?"

"From what I understand, the baby will be nursed with her for at least a year. Then we can from there?"

"Okay I can do that."

"Alright...I think that's all."

"So technically I'm like the dad and you're the mom," he smirks.

"Goodbye Darius," I wave and leave his home before he starts.

I needed to tell Aubrey and see what he thought.


I was in the middle of my workout when I heard the front door open.


"Aubrey?" I can hear her voice echo from the living room.

"Here," I get off the treadmill and make my way out to see her. "Oh was I interrupting?"

"No never that," I smirk. "Well?"

"So I talked to Darius. He can help take care of the baby," she smiles.

"We would co-parent with Darius?"

"At least until Bria gets out...she's hoping to get parole if she's on good behavior. We'd be like auntie and uncle to baby?"

I think about it.

"Okay...I have one condition."


"Move in with me."

She looks at me. "Wha—?"

"Deadass baby," I wrap my arm around her. "I mean we are talking about raising a whole kid together, you might as well move in with me."

"Yeah I guess you're not wrong," she smiles.

"Okay then let's go get your stuff," I pick her up and throw her on my shoulder.

"Oh my God what are you doing," she laughs. "I can't just up and leave."

"Yes you can and you will," I smirk. "I'm not gonna delay you being in my arms every morning any longer."

I had my life back.

Moving in together...taking care of a baby? A lot is going on.
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I'd like to apologize for being gone so long guys ):
So many things have been going on and I'm super busy. But I'm determined to finish this book!!!
The next book I wanna come out with: Nonstop, will be delayed for a while but I will finish this book and I will update weekly!!!! And I love those of you who have been here checking up on me and asking about it and leaving funny comments🤎 they keep me going everyday forreal!
And I hope you're all doing well too!

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