Chapter Fifty Three

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I woke up bright and early the next morning. Kamaria was sleeping quietly next to me. She looked so still when she slept. And for once very relaxed since she wasn't worrying about school and work.

I also noticed she had braids in her hair. I don't remember her getting them done? She looked so elegant with them.

"Where are you going," she mumbles in her sleep.

"To see your dad babe," I kiss her forehead. Her eyes open wide. "Now?"

"Yes now. You coming?"

Before she can answer, someone is knocking the door.

I go over to get it and see her mom already dressed and ready to go. "Oh you guys just woke up," she laughs. "Well I'll continue to help myself to breakfast downstairs," she says. "They have a different kind of fruit up in here," She laughs.

"We'll meet you down there," I chuckle.

Kamaria gets out from bed and yawns. She looks so beautiful when she wakes up. Her braids fall down to her face and she looks at me.

"Where the hell did my bonnet go," she looks around and sees it on the floor. "Oops."

I shake my head. "You got your hair done?"

She nods. "When we were at the spa, this lady offered to braid hair. I haven't had braids since I used to live with my mom when she did it so I figured why not," she explains. "That's why I came a bit late."

"You look really good," I kiss her. "I'll enjoy pulling them," I smirk.

She swats my hand. "Pulling what? If you don't get your—," she glares at me and heads for the bathroom while I laugh. "He not pulling on this hair that's for damn sure," she mumbles under her breathe.

While she was in the shower, I decided to go down to breakfast with her mother. "Babe I'm gonna go for breakfast. We can meet there?"

"Okay," she responds and goes back to humming whatever tune she humming. It sounds like a Lauryn Hill song.

I went down and saw her mom mingling with a few other women. "Oh hey Aubrey," she waves for me to get here. "How are you feeling?"

"Refreshed, and you?"

"I haven't felt this good since I first got married," she laughs. "Speaking of," she lifts an eyebrow.

I had already spoke to her about how I want to marry Kamaria. She was over the moon about it and she couldn't have asked for anything more. That and she was excited to be a young grandma.

"Are you getting any cold feet?" She laughs.

"Never that," I laugh nervously. "I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. I know Kamaria and she will follow her heart. And her heart beats for you," she reassured me.

"You're right," I relax. "I'm gonna go get a bagel," I tell her.

As I was grabbing a bagel and some fruit, someone tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me but you look familiar," I hear a woman with a heavy accent tell me.


"Yeah you are... Cómo se dice...famous in America?"

Famous? I had money but I wasn't a Nicki Minaj or Lil Wayne. I was just someone with money. Not necessarily fame.

"I wouldn't say famous. I'm a business man."

"Ah yes business man. I've seen pictures online. You're handsome in person too," she winks.

I was taken back by her forwardness. "Oh um...gracias."

"no hay problema guapo. I can show you around?"

"Oh I'm here with my wife actually to meet her dad," I scratch my head.

She frowns. "So? Business men always cheat on their wives. It's normal, no?"

Ouch. While she wasn't...wrong. I don't like to think of myself like other business men anymore.

"Not me," I laugh. "But gracias again," I grab another bagel and leave.

I turn and see Kamaria sitting with her mom at the table.

I hope no one heard that. Cause if she did, we gon be in some trouble.


I made my way down to breakfast to join my mom. She told me that Aubrey was getting food. When I look over I see a beautiful girl. She was my complexion but with straight hair. She had a nice body. And she was cheesin hella hard at Aubrey. I hear Aubrey laugh and leave the girl. I turn around before he could see I saw anything.

I promise I'm not all that jealous. Not enough to blow up on him like that. But I can't help but Even though I shouldn't.

"Hey I got you a bagel," he hands me one. "Thank you," I smile faintly. "I'll take it for on the way," I nod.

I let them finish their food so we can start to leave.

Despite that, it's probably not a big deal and I'm going to see my dad finally.

I start to feel a lot better now that I'm not in my feelings.

"I'm gonna get a bottle of water before we go," my mom says. We nod, leaving the two of us there.

"Babe if what you saw—," I stop him. "Aubrey I know and it's not a big deal I promise you," I tell him.

I knew I had my trust issues but I wasn't going to let that run him away. "I was telling her to leave me alone," he says. "She thought that because I was "famous" all rich and famous men cheat on their wives so why not me," he laughed.

I smiled at what he said. "Cause you're different."

"I know. I'll never hurt my wife," he kisses my forehead.

His wife? That's new.

I'm not complaining though.

My mom comes and we take a car which Aubrey rented to go to see my dad. "You have his address?"

Aubrey nods.

I didn't know what to feel. My heart was racing like crazy. I thought I would have a heart attack.

I started to wonder what my mother was thinking and feeling. She was so composed but...she was about to see her husband.

Her husband she lost contact with and hasn't seen for years. I mean how does one feel?

Cause I'm feeling all over the place.


I look over and see how fidgity Kamaria is. I rub her hand, trying to relax her a bit.

But I myself couldn't relax. I was nervous to meet her dad. I could only imagine how nervous she was.

I was also nervous to ask him. I was nervous to ask her.

I was nervous about everything.

My thoughts consumed so much of my time, I didn't realize we had already gotten to his place.

"We are here," I cough.

I can hear everyone's heavy breathing. We were all nervous as fuck.

I was wondering what was going through Kamaria's mom's head. What do you even say or do after being separated from your husband for so long?

We all get out of the car and I see the front door open. It must be her dad.

He looks at me, then Kamaria, then her mother.


I turn and Kamaria's mother falls to the ground.

They've finally arrived to Kamaria's father's house. What's gonna happen?
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