Chapter Thirty Nine

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I woke up the next morning to pee, only to feel an emptiness next to me.

Kamaria wasn't there.

It was seven am, which was pretty early for her. She usually woke up around ten or later depending on when we went to sleep.

I look outside and see her sitting by the pool. Maybe it was too hot inside?

"Hey," I walk over to her and sit by her. She had a distraught look on her face. I could tell something was bothering her. I just didn't know what.

"Oh hey. I didn't mean to wake you up," she  says softly.

"No it's all good. Are you good though?" I look at her face. She didn't wanna look at me but...I knew something was wrong.


"Did I do something?" She quickly shook her head no. She had a distressed look on her face and I didn't want her feeling like that after her birthday.

"Can I ask for advice," she says. I nod and she sighs.

"So my mom sent me this," she shows me her phone.

I read it and I was not prepared for what I saw.

"Woah," I look at her. She gives me a small smile. "This is huge Kamaria why didn't you tell me yesterday."

She shrugged. "I didn't wanna ruin the mood," she laughs. "Like do I call?"

I think about it. " you want to talk to him?"

"I—," she thinks about it. "I don't know. It's like I want to because that's my father. We never had any issues before he had to go. But he also could've very well started a new family and I don't know how I'll feel."

I kiss her forehead. "Those are very good points babe. As corny as I might sound...follow your heart. Your mom sent you the number for a reason love," I tell her.

That's a lot to take in. I hope she will be okay. I didn't like seeing her so stressed.

"I think...I think I'll call," she breathes out.

I get up to give her space but she pulls me back down. "No you can stay," she smiles. "I want you here."

I sit back down and smile. I was glad she was letting me in more. I knew she wasn't used to getting close with anyone. Especially the way I was getting close with her.

She clicks the number and it dials and starts to ring. "Oh Lord it's ringing," she mouths. I decide to go into the water while she waited for it to ring.

It was still ringing when I came back up.

Then it went to voicemail.

"Ugh," she groans. "Maybe mom already confronted him and now he doesn't wanna talk to me." Before I can say anything though, the number is calling back. We look at each other with wide eyes.

"No way," she breathes and picks up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi this is Anderson," I hear his thick accent through the phone. I look at her and she looks shocked, more than I.

"This Kamaria...Kamaria Valoy." She waits for his response. My heart stopped for her.


"Oh my God, Kamaria?" He  starts laughing of relief. "Is this really you?"

"Yes it is dad," I smile. I look over and Aubrey is smiling at me. "How did you get this number oh my God you have no idea how excited I am," I can hear him crying on the other end of the phone.

I explain to him how mom found his number. I didn't really ask her how or why but she did. "Kamaria is your mother there?"

"No I can give you her number though if you want to talk to her?"

"No I think she will call when she is ready," he sighs. For some reason, I felt that there was more to this story than I was aware of. I knew my dad was deported when I was younger...but I don't really know the state of my parents relationship.

I do you not keep in contact somehow? It wasn't that long ago? They must've had each other's numbers. I had a lot of questions but I didn't wanna push it now. I would talk to my mom first.

"How is everything going for you in the Dominican?" It's been like two decades, I was hoping he was doing well.

"Everything is alright. It hurts to not know how you and your mother are doing though. I'm glad you found a way to contact me," he chuckles.

"Do you think I'll be able to see you?" I hear him sigh on the phone. "You know...deportation means you can't come back... at least twenty years. Especially in this political climate Kamaria it would be hard for me to be over there again to see you. Trust me I'd be there already if I could."

It kind of sucked that this all happened. I could go over to the Dominican? If he's up for it. "Maybe I can come visit you?"

"Kamaria I don't have nothing here for you. I'd love for you to come but economically things are not well for me."

I understood what he was saying. I also didn't know fluent Spanish. I held onto what I remembered. But my biggest question...was did he move on? Start a new family?

"Can I ask you you have another family?" I looked over and Aubrey was rubbing my knee, comforting me in case I wasn't ready for the answer.

I couldn't blame him I mean if you loose your family, you don't wait around for them forever. You start a new one.

"No," he sighs. "I move on after a couple of years because my mom said I needed to marry and have kids. But after she passed away, I lost motivation for that. It's just me and my dog Belen," he smiles.

I was a little more okay knowing he didn't completely forget us. But I can only imagine what it might be like to be so alone, especially being forced away from your family. 

"Dad it was good talking to you and knowing everything. I was pretty young so I didn't understand much," I chuckle.

"It's alright Kamaria. I love you and your mother to the stars. Tell her that for me," he says. I hang up on the phone with him and breathe out in relief. It felt good to get that over with and I was glad my dad was now contactable for me.

"I'm so happy for you," Aubrey kisses my forehead. Before we can say anything, his phone rings.

"Kayla? Is everything alright." I could hear hyperventilating and yelling.

"You're going to hate me for the rest of my life Mr. Graham I—," Aubrey cuts her off. She seemed to be crying. "Kayla? What are you talking about."

I can hear her hyperventilating on the phone. "The company is on fire."

The office is in fire? What is Aubrey gonna do?
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Kamaria talked to her father! What do we think of Anderson Valoy so far?

Thank you guys for reading 💕I was checking the stats of my book and I can't believe how diversified my audience is!!! I have people in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, freaking the Philippines reading my story? And of all ages too consistently reading? I see all your votes and comments and I'm grateful for each and every one of you.

You all inspire me to keep writing and I'm thankful for that💗

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