Chapter Sixty Seven

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I woke up under a mattress that felt like cotton balls underneath me with the sudden urge to regurgitate everything inside my body.

"Shit," I get up and run to throw up in the bathroom.

I go wash my face and brush my teeth and look in the mirror. Some days I felt great, other days I felt like shit.

At this point I have to go to the hospital and request everything possible and figure out what it is. Maybe a food allergy I never picked up on?

While I was rinsing my face, I felt something metal hitting my face when I rubbed over it. The ring Aubrey proposed with yesterday.

I looked down at it and smiles, trying to regain some optimism.

"You good?"

I look over and see my fiancé looking as fine as ever leaning on the door.

"Mhm," I kiss him. "What are you doing today?"

"Probably gonna visit mom before we go...relax with my wife."

"Oh you're already married to someone else," I tease.

"Yup her name is Serena Williams," he smirks.

"Go away," I laugh. "I'm gonna head out after breakfast real quick. I'll swing by your mom's if you're still there?"

"Where are you going?"

"It's a secret."

He squints his eyes at me. "We've been engaged like twelve hours and you're already keeping secrets?"

"Yes but I'll tell you afterwards. Let's go eat I think my parents are already at breakfast."

I drag him down with me and I see my parents eating breakfast already.

"Boyei bolamu my future son in law," she starts dancing.

"Mom," I cover my face. You can't take her no where.

"You should've seen how excited she was last night when I told them," Aubrey laughs and gives her a hug.

"Thank goodness I was asleep for that," I roll my eyes. "How was dinner for you guys last night?"

"It was great. Lobster rolls up here? Excellent and your parents are definitely an entertaining pair," my dad laughs.

"My dad came?"

My mom shoves my dad and he shrugs. "Yeah he came a little late. But he had so many great stories and adventures to share."

"About himself I'm sure," Aubrey scoffs.

"Anyways your parents had a lot of amazing things to say about you and you did a great job son. Look at how you're doing now," my dad says. "Trust me I know a thing or two about terrible parents. You should still be proud of yourself. We are always here for you."

"Thank you guys...means a lot," Aubrey says. "But this food smells really good and I need some," he says.

"Right behind you. These Montreal style bagels man," my dad smiles.

"Your father is gonna put on a good ten pounds before we leave," my mom laughs.

"Let him live," I take one of her fruits and she looks at me. "Tala elongi."

"Sorry food just tastes better when you're taking it from someone," I laugh. "Anyways I need you to come with me today," I mumble nervously.

"Come with you where? Please I want to sleep."

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