Chapter Twenty Six

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"Fuck," I feel light shining on me from the window.

My eyes hurt when I even tried to open them, nevermind this fucking headache.

I tried to get up but I couldn't. I felt like shit.

"Good morning," I feel a kiss on my neck.

"Mmmm," I whine and go into his covers.

"I see why you said you shouldn't drink," Aubrey laughs.

I try to remember but I truly can't. Except I remember Kayla dragging me to the center of the dance floor to twerk and—

Oh shit.

I spring up and look at him. "What did I do last night?"

He starts laughing. "Nothing babe."

"No I definitely did some stupid shit."

He laughs and grabs my waist so I'm straddling him. "I're really good at twerking if that's what you wanna know," he smirks.

I shove him and hide in his chest. "Oh my God stop," I feel the embarrassment.

I was twerking?

Some of you might think, okay? But like there was probably some of my colleagues there. Daniel was fucking there.

"Don't feel embarrassed babe there's nothing to be embarrassed about," he tells me.

"I guess," my face gets red. "Now this headache needs to fucking go."

"You want something to drink?"


"No not alcohol Kamaria. I have a good hangover drink for you," he gets out of bed and goes downstairs.

Ten minutes or so, he comes up with an orange colored drink.

"Here," he gives it to me.

"What is it?"

"Just drink it."

I shrug and drink it. It was pretty damn good actually and my body felt rejuvenated.

"What's in this?"

He looks at me and smirks. "It's a secret."

I roll my eyes and finish it. I was starting to feel better already. I slowly submerge myself into the covers again.

"So this is the plan for today?"

I look over and see Aubrey looking at me smiling. "Yeah I guess so."

He gets into the covers with me. "Yeah I guess this is a good way to spend the day before we go back to work."

I groan at the thought of work. "Please don't mention work."

He laughs and kisses my cheek. "You'll be alright."

I get close to him and it's silent for a bit. "Hey can I ask you something."

He looks at me concerned. "Yeah what's up."

"I don't really know much about you," I tell him. I was thinking about it and I know we were still in the beginning of our relationship. But I didn't know much about him actually.

"Well what would you like to know?"

I think about it. "If you're okay with're family? You don't talk much about them."

He sat up and gave me a sad smile. "I mean there's not much to say," he shrugs. "My mom lives in Canada right now. I try to talk to her as much as I can. I love her but it's hard with her addiction. My dad is who knows where with his new family. We don't talk."

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